Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Randy Eskow

    Run away AT/MCP speed

    What would be the first to come to mind-cause for the AT/MCP speed to keep
    I take off and have AT armed in PM then hit speed and it takes over, however,
    it keeps going right up to 600kts. When I turn on the AP, the Heading and
    Alt hold and stuff seem to work OK.
    The only way to stop the overspeed, is to turn off MCP and go to the FS
    throttle pulldown and with the mouse move the throttles closed. (I do not have
    my quad or axis controls set up yet so flying by the keyboard and mouse).

  2. #2
    Eddie Armaos

    RE: Run away AT/MCP speed

    First, autothrottle does not have any relation with autopilot.

    Maybe the problem is that A/T does not read speed from Fs to get back the
    throttles to a lower N1.
    Do you have pitots ON ?

    What kind of a/c do you fly?
    Do you use FMC also? Which a/c's txt file has there?


    Eddie Armaos

  3. #3
    Randy Eskow

    RE: Run away AT/MCP speed


    I will have to check on the items you mention. I do not use a FMC. Where do
    I check the pitots? I use the 737 ac txt file that is from way back. I
    think it came with PM, but not sure. Its not one of the newer txt files out

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