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  1. #1
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Tomlin's Avatar
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    For those knowledgeable of GF- GoFlight RMKs programmed for RMU usage?

    Okay, here's the plan...

    (this is for the RMU for the Learjet 45-a picture of the real deal can be seen here: )

    I want to use the GoFlight Dual Rotary Encoder and RMK unit


    to control the tuning of frequencies of the NAVs and COMs and to assign the 8 pushbuttons to the Freq. Swamp and the line selector keys to select the appropriate section for tuning.

    I know that the dual encoder will work fine per Mitch at GF, but what I really need to know is if I can assign the GF pushbuttons to highlight the desired functions to work as Line Selector Keys and Swap Buttons.

    Thanks for your help everyone, and for putting up with a noob!
    Eric Tomlin-
    Learjet 45 Builder

  2. #2
    25+ Posting Member Kris Stow's Avatar
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    Any progress using this idea?? I have ordered some 3.5 displays. Going to try to set it up using the PM visuals and the GF remote kits to build a one piece RMU once Joe finsihes the panels, only a couple of more weeks now ..

    Also when we spoke on the phone you had mentioned that someone was creating a FMS (FMC/CDU) matching the Lear. What is the web address can I go check progress on this?

    Thanks have a great Sunday!! God Bless.

    Kris S.

    Also proud supporter of..

  3. #3
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Tomlin's Avatar
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    I am not real sure who I may have been thinking of- I think a supplier had mentioned the possibility of building a replica UNS (Universal Avionics) type CDU, but I cant remember who I was thinking of for sure at the moment.

    Regarding the progress of the RMU situation, I simply have used the GF 166 for my Radios/Navs. Will answer back with more shortly.
    Eric Tomlin-
    Learjet 45 Builder

  4. #4
    150+ Forum Groupie XOrionFE's Avatar
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    I am making my own GPS panel for GA aircraft and am using radio shack pushbuttons and ordered a dual rotary from GF. To do this I am using a Hagstrom KE108 board which has 2 rotary encoder inputs. I will use one of them for each rotary on the dual knob.

  5. #5
    150+ Forum Groupie XOrionFE's Avatar
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    Where did you order the 3.5 " displays from?

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