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Thread: 744 Tq

  1. #1
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    744 Tq

    Is there any company spezialized in 744 TQ ?
    It is damn hard to find a TQ for a 747 for a home built cockpit.
    Any links?
    I read about FDS offering a kit. Any experience with that?


  2. #2
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    Well Salud. I am affrayed I know of no one doing a 747TQ. Most of the ones in home cockpits I have seen are home built or real. I think FDS stopped that kit a long while ago.
    Bob Reed

  3. #3
    There is a company called LFS Technologies that build simulators to use with flightgear.

    They have first started with the 747 and do have a throttle quad for sale. For under $100 you would be able to convert the interface board that comes with the throttle with one that is recognized by windows. I think it sells for around $500 non motorized and $900 motorized.
