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Thread: Do You Remember

  1. #1
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    Do You Remember

    Does anyone remember a few years ago, there was a group of home sim builders in the OZ that bought a real 737 Flightdeck and were making fibre glass shells.

    As I recall they had a website.
    Does this sound fimiliar?

    Anyway I am looking into the costing of Buying a fibreglass cockpit shell.

    Any advice?

  2. #2
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    Yes it does! BUT.... It was a museum and they had to stop producing parts or they would lose there museum status. So although I think they are still around they have not made any parts in a long while.
    Bob Reed

  3. #3
    Yep, Chris bentton was the owner but he sold that business years ago. there a few 737 shell builders around

    Northern Flightsim

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