Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    David Rabiner

    Re: Is there a Night lighting overhead panel for B777?

    A little off your topic, Peter, but can you tell me what 19" touchscreen you

    are using? And are you happy with it?



  2. #2
    Peter Hein

    Re: Is there a Night lighting overhead panel for B777?

    Hi David,

    Iīm using an ordinary 19" TFT in combination with a 19" touch panel from
    Find more here:
    Delivery is more or less overnight and using USB you are set in a minute.
    19" consumer touchscreens are not available afaik.
    Both together (panel and screen) was about 500 Euros.
    The biggest touchscreen off the shelf is 17" and costs about 700 Euros.
    Iīm very happy with this setup as it gives me all flexibility I wanted. So
    you can have all the different panels (B747, B777, B737..) displayed as you
    need. The zoom function of the overhead panels is great and there is no
    hassle of HW wiring. It works by a click (touch).
    Of course this is only for a more generic type of cockpit. It canīt beat the
    knobs and switches of a HW overhead.

    Since it is somewhat unrealistic at night flights to have the rest of the
    setup dimmed and lit, but the overhead is there in full brightness.
    Would really be nice to have the graphics switchable to night lighting

    Best rgds


  3. #3
    David Rabiner

    Re: Is there a Night lighting overhead panel for B777?

    Thanks, Peter!


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