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05-19-2006, 05:29 PM #1
ALAN: V 4.0 possible bug / problem w TextLCD Emulator
Found a possible "glitch" in the new version. I am doing some testing using the emulators before I go to "hardware". Found an issue with the TextLCD emulator....maybe.
I was assigning the fuel tanks to the first (or second) line of the text display. When I added more than one tank to a line... it seemed to crash. I consistently got "Runtime Error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument".
Once I have done that to the TextLCD emulator line..... now I cannot get RID of the problem even after unassigning the values. It seems to "remember" the old assignments most of the time. So it takes repeated trys to clear things up....and I haven't figured out the "logic" of how I did get rid of it a couple of times. But it does not seem to like two (or more) values on a line at the moment. Old version took three of the same fuel tank values just fine.
Also the "Unassign" buttons in the "Calibrate" function for the TextLCD do not work. Thwe "unassign" assignment is hidden down in the pull-down listing of possible assignments.... which took me a darndest amount of time to find.
Hope this is helpful.
05-20-2006, 08:09 AM #2alandyerGuest
Thanks for bringing bug to my attention.
As I recall, I don't think I tested the multi-assignment with the emulator.
(embarrassed pause)
Will get it fixed this weekend.
05-20-2006, 08:20 AM #3
Never, NEVER feel "embarrased" about anything you do or don't do relative to FS2Phidget. That you provide this wonderful interface program for free at all.....and then support it superbly..... is already amazing and going WAY "above and beyond".
05-24-2006, 10:13 AM #4alandyerGuest
New build (4.0.1) is available that fixes TextLCD multi-assignment bug.
Also, added support for PhidgetMotorControl LV.
Motor can be calibrated for maximum speed and whether to respond to rate only.
Tested with trim indicator.
Motor will spin in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction depending on whether rate is positive or negative.
If you live in the southern hemisphere or crossed (+) or (-) wires on motor the INVERT function will swap spin directions.
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