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  1. #1
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    Throttle Calibration Issue

    Okay... Question from a Phidgets Newbee...

    Purchased and installed the 8,8,8, board, connected the flaps, spoilers, throttles, and switches. Phidgets connects fine to the board and to FS9, but...I can calibrate the spoilers and flaps but not the throttles. I think I might have a bad slider pot for throttle #1 (deflection measured by phidgets is like 8-18, but the other pots register fine. They just won't calibrate (sit there with 60-70 at the minimum and 600-700 at the maximum and won't adjust to 0 & 1000).

    I think I have the process correct as the spoilers & flaps did calibrate. It's just the throttles that are inoperable. I show I'm connected to FSUIPC 3.4.80 and get the green light for both board connection and FS9 connection.

    Any thoughts?


  2. #2
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    A follow up to the first message. Well, I don't have a bad slider POT. Switched input ports and #1 works fine. However, #4 took it's place and stopped working. I figured out how to calibrate the throttles -- have the 4 inputs inverted and didn't invert the min/max. So, three throttles are now calibrated, #4 is now dead. Firmware or software issue??

    While FS9 is seeing the change of state (throttles (3 of the 4 anyway), as well as flaps, I'm getting no FSUIPC indication in the FS value column except for the thrust reverse lever selection (using buttons, not POTS).

    Anyone have any thoughts?


  3. #3
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    Well, amybe the third post is the charm....

    Calibrated throttles & flaps. FS9 says all is working but after shutdown and restart flaps don't track & throttle 1 goes into reverse thrust until advanced beyond 40%. Duh!! TOGA switch doesn't engage and I haven't had a flight of sufficient duration to see if the autothrottle disconnect switch works either. FS2Phidgets recognizes all switches and slider POTS and seems to calibrate fine. I did SAVE the file when I finished. -- Guess I'm making progress over my first post.

    Also for FS9 to see anything, FS2Phidgets has to be active. I somehow thought it was only to calibrate stuff.

    I'm using all the latest loads --FSUIPC 3.4.8, Phidget20DLL 1.0.3, Com Lib 2.0.6. Everything shows as connected.

    Thoughts or suggestions??



  4. #4
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    maybe you should try the 207-Beta.
    In my case with the 207-Beta I could install FS2Phidget309 without any problems and all is running.
    Before I couldn't install 309. (I'm running XP pro with SP2)

    Best Regards

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