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Thread: RA altitude PFD

  1. #1
    Tom Stian Bjerk

    RA altitude PFD


    When I am on ground the PFD RA altitude shows that I am 7 feet above the
    ground. Is it supposed to show that?

    If not, how can I fix it ?

    Best Regard
    Tom Stian BJerk

  2. #2
    Thomas Richter

    RA altitude PFD

    Hi Tom,
    it is set in your Aircraft txt file for CDU:
    will set to 12 ft.

    >If not, how can I fix it ?

    Best Regards
    Thomas Richter

  3. #3
    Katy Pluta

    Re: RA altitude PFD

    >When I am on ground the PFD RA altitude shows that I am 7 feet above the
    >ground. Is it supposed to show that?

    Isn't the cockpit 7 ft above the ground in the aircraft that you are

    All the best!
    Katy Pluta, MS_MVP for Flight Simulator

    Visit Project Magenta!

  4. #4
    Tom Stian Bjerk

    Re: RA altitude PFD

    That may be correct, but I tought mabye the RA should be displaying 0 feet
    when I was on the ground..

    Best Regards
    Tom Stian

    "Katy Pluta" skrev i melding
    > >When I am on ground the PFD RA altitude shows that I am 7 feet above the
    >>ground. Is it supposed to show that?

    > Isn't the cockpit 7 ft above the ground in the aircraft that you are
    > using?
    > ===
    > All the best!
    > Katy Pluta, MS_MVP for Flight Simulator
    > ---
    > Visit Project Magenta!

  5. #5
    Enrico Schiratti

    Re: RA altitude PFD

    > That may be correct, but I tought mabye the RA should be displaying 0
    > when I was on the ground..

    Depends on the aircraft, in any case, you can compensate it with the
    RadioAlt entry in the aircraft config file.



    > "Katy Pluta" skrev i melding
    >> >When I am on ground the PFD RA altitude shows that I am 7 feet above

    >>>ground. Is it supposed to show that?

    >> Isn't the cockpit 7 ft above the ground in the aircraft that you are
    >> using?
    >> ===
    >> All the best!
    >> Katy Pluta, MS_MVP for Flight Simulator
    >> ---
    >> Visit Project Magenta!


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