Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Enrico Schiratti

    Main and lower DUs...


    does anyone here have the Main and Lower DU selectors in
    place already?



  2. #2
    Rob Archer

    Re: Main and lower DUs...

    I have had them in place and working for awhile now. What do you need?
    "Enrico Schiratti" wrote in message
    > Hello,
    > does anyone here have the Main and Lower DU selectors in
    > place already?
    > Ciao
    > Enrico

  3. #3
    Enrico Schiratti

    Re: Main and lower DUs...

    >I have had them in place and working for awhile now. What
    >do you need?

    I just started implementing them... because of the CPFlight
    MIP737 and the PFC cockpit.

    The display needs to be set to F6, and the following
    commands handle the display position.

    4F4 commands

    600 Then cMainDU = 1 //Outb
    601 Then cMainDU = 2 //Norm
    602 Then cMainDU = 3 //ENG PRI
    603 Then cMainDU = 4 //PFD
    604 Then cMainDU = 5 //MFD
    610 Then cLowerDU = 1 //ENG PRI
    611 Then cLowerDU = 2 //NORM
    612 Then cLowerDU = 3 // ND
    620 Then fMainDU = 1
    621 Then fMainDU = 2
    622 Then fMainDU = 3
    623 Then fMainDU = 4
    624 Then fMainDU = 5
    630 Then fLowerDU = 1
    631 Then fLowerDU = 2
    632 Then fLowerDU = 3

    Lower DU has not been activated yet in the GC.



    > "Enrico Schiratti" wrote in message
    >> Hello,
    >> does anyone here have the Main and Lower DU selectors in
    >> place already?
    >> Ciao
    >> Enrico


  4. #4
    Matt Ford

    Re: Main and lower DUs...


    You are on fire. I'll start coding that into our sim.


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