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  1. #1
    Peter Ward

    Boeing GC - No pink string!

    Hi all

    I hope that someone can help me with this.
    I am having trouble getting the magenta line (the CDU route) to appear on the
    GC Nav display. Sometimes it appears and will not update - other times it
    does not appearat all - despite an active route in the CDU.

    Everything else on the GC updates - PFD and the GC position.

    As far as I can see I have all folders shared, and no problems with
    firewalls. I am using the Boeing GC:

    Aerosoft 747 MCP
    PC 1>FS
    PC 2>GC
    PC 3>CDU and MCP

    My NETDIR is set up for the CDU on PC 3, and the GC seems to 'see' this.

    It would appear that the GC is also locking up quite soon after it

    Any ideas pls? I can't go flying without it!



  2. #2
    Peter Ward

    Boeing GC - No pink string!

    Actually the problem may be that the GC is actually locking up each time
    shortly after startup.

    Any ideas pls? I had it working before...


  3. #3
    Peter Ward

    Boeing GC - No pink string!

    Problem seems to be fixed - thanks to Steve M - netdir address was not being
    propagated correctly by the CDU FMS page for some reason and entering the
    full network address in the CDU ini file seems to have fixed the problem.


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