Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Enrico Schiratti

    Re: T/D is too early placed in path.

    Hello Themis,

    I need a couple of more details... do you have a cost index
    table in your aircraft file? Was a cost index set? What to
    and what are the parameters in that table?



    "Themis Katakalos" wrote in message
    >I have seen this in my last flights but I can realise what
    >is going on..
    > Situation:
    > CDU 10 miles to T/D
    > I select the ALT Knob from 23000 to 10000
    > I press the DESCENT NOW
    > Descent Starts with 1000 ft/min (Normal)
    > *** (PS: In the real life CDU and also on PMDG CDU the
    > EXEC must be pressed
    > to start the descent now, so I think this has to be
    > implemented to PM)
    > CDU after 10 miles at the TO T/D column announces DESCENT
    > The problem is that on ND Descent Path Show me 6000 ft
    > below the normal
    > approach path.
    > The plane continues descending with 1000ft/min until catch
    > the normal
    > approach path way later at about 14000 ft.
    > CDU and Descent Path on ND disaggree. ND has correct data
    > CDU calculates an
    > early T/D (also displayed on ND)
    > Themis

  2. #2
    Themis Katakalos

    Re: T/D is too early placed in path.

    Hi Enrico,
    Cost Index was 80
    Aircraft PMDG 737-700 (PMDG 737-700 aircraft config file on CDU)

    All the parameters are in this file (I have downloaded from your site)

  3. #3
    Enrico Schiratti

    Re: T/D is too early placed in path.


    I will check... but can you e-mail me the file? We have too
    many on the site (there will be a purge soon).

    But I also do not understand one thing... you say the T/D is
    too early, but you use the Descend Now option, descending
    earlier than the calculated descent?

    Have you tried raising the angle for the 80 cost index
    entry, then the descent will start later.



    "Themis Katakalos" wrote in message
    > Hi Enrico,
    > Cost Index was 80
    > Aircraft PMDG 737-700 (PMDG 737-700 aircraft config file
    > on CDU)
    > All the parameters are in this file (I have downloaded
    > from your site)

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