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Thread: Using PM with PMDG 737-700
01-01-2005, 09:33 AM #1null nullGuest
Using PM with PMDG 737-700
Dear all,
first of all happy new year to all simmer.
In the last couple of days I use the demo of PM GC and MCP.
My intention is to build a 737-700 home cockpit in the next comming month. So
far I have 2 PC in a network.
The PM demo works with MSFS 737-400 standard model. I have MSFS running on
the server and GC and MCP on the client. Also attached at the client I have
MCP from CPflight.
I changed the MCP.ini and it works well.
I wish to use PMDG 737-700. When I use this model, the MCP does not work.
Maybe my understanding of PM software is not good enough to find out how to
do. I tried the 737-700 aircraft data file from Bob Scott and changed the
entry in the CG ini as mentioned without realy knowing what is the
consequence. I started MSFS again and choosed PMDG 737-700 but still MCP does not
I have to admit I am not technical guy. I am more the type of "plug &
This is what I want to do:
1. Use MCP from CPfligtht (on the client)
2. Use GC & MCP from PM (on the client)
3. Use Overhead and CDU from PMDG (on the server)
Is this possible ?
Can anybody help me what to do step by step?
Best regards
Thomas (Germany)
01-01-2005, 10:45 AM #2null nullGuest
Re: Using PM with PMDG 737-700
Hi Thomas,
Did you modify the PMDG 737-700 panel.cfg file like Bob Scott's instructions
said? Once you do that your MCP should work fine. Also make sure you are
using Bob Scotts version (SU3) aircraft. See step 5 below.Happy New
Year!Randy HolmesBells,
TX------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patch Version 3.0 7 Feb 2004Copyright 2004
Robert ScottReleased as freeware, no commercial use or redistrubution without
permission.This patch allows the Precision Manuals Design Group (tm) 737
(SU3) add-on to function with the Project Magenta (tm) Boeing Suite, with
Project Magenta MCP in control.Version 3.0 disables throttle control masking
in the PMDG panel which conflicts with PM MCPPMDG+PM users should also
ensure they are using MCP374 or later and set DisableBrakes=On in the MCP.INI
file to stop conflicts between PM and PMDG autobrakes. Use the Autobrake
control located on the PMDG panel.Assumptions:You have purchased both the PMDG
B737 600/700 add-on, and Project Magenta Boeing displays.1. Unzip these
files into your FS2004 or FS2002 GAUGES folder.2. Make sure you have an
unmodified PMDG_ACS.gau file from the SU3 installation in the gauges folder.
This patch will only update an unmodified original v1.3 PMDG gauge file.3.
Run PMDG+PM_Step1.bat--it will create two new gauge files: xPMDG_ACS.gau
and xPMDG_737NG_Main.gau, and will create a panel.PM directory in the
Aircraft folder for each PMDG variant (-600, -700, -700-Winglets)4. Run the
patch (PMDG+PM_Step2.exe) will modify the "x" prefix copies of the .gau
files for you. Browse the patch program to your FS \gauges directory when
prompted.5. Go to the panel.cfg file in \Aircraft\PMDG737-700\panel.PM\ (if
it did not already exist from a previous patch installation it will be
created for you) and place the letter "x" in front of every occurrence of
PMDG_ACS!... and PMDG_737NG_Main!...Note: if you have already done this in a
previous version of the patch, there's no need to do this again.Example:
gauge00=PMDG_737NG_Main!SoundProcessor, 0,0 becomes v
gauge00=xPMDG_737NG_Main!SoundProcessor, 0,0It is not necessary to do this in the -600
and -700-Winglets subdirectories, as they only reference the -700 directory
you just changed.6. In your PMDG aircraft.cfg files, for those variants you
want to fly with the PM panel, change the line "panel=" to "panel=PM" and
change the ui_type= line to something that will enable you to identify that
variant as a PM+PMDG version. Example: ui_type=737-700 2D+PMThis mod
allows you to fly variants with the PMDG panel unmodified, or select variants
that use the patched gauge files. You select in the FS9 drop-down boxes for
choosing an aircraft.I have also written a companion PMDG 737 type file
for the Magenta Boeing CDU posted in the aircraft files section at Scott"Thomas Ohnacker" wrote in
message> Dear all,> > first of all happy
new year to all simmer.> In the last couple of days I use the demo of PM GC
and MCP.> My intention is to build a 737-700 home cockpit in the next
comming month. So > far I have 2 PC in a network.> The PM demo works with MSFS
737-400 standard model. I have MSFS running on > the server and GC and MCP
on the client. Also attached at the client I have > MCP from CPflight.> I
changed the MCP.ini and it works well.> I wish to use PMDG 737-700. When I
use this model, the MCP does not work. > Maybe my understanding of PM
software is not good enough to find out how to > do. I tried the 737-700 aircraft
data file from Bob Scott and changed the > entry in the CG ini as
mentioned without realy knowing what is the > consequence. I started MSFS again and
choosed PMDG 737-700 but still MCP does not > work.> I have to admit I am
not technical guy. I am more the type of "plug & > play".> > This is what I
want to do:> > 1. Use MCP from CPfligtht (on the client)> 2. Use GC & MCP
from PM (on the client)> 3. Use Overhead and CDU from PMDG (on the server)>
> Is this possible ?> > Can anybody help me what to do step by step?> >
Best regards> > Thomas (Germany)>
01-01-2005, 01:35 PM #3null nullGuest
Re: Using PM with PMDG 737-700
Dear Randy,
thanks for your info.
I did the SU3 update from Bob, exactly how he describe.
After starting FS and choosing the new aircraft (PMDG + PM) FS chrashed when
loading the scenery files.
FS does not crash when I use the unmodified PMDG aircraft.
Is it possible, that Bobs update does not work with PM demo software ?
01-02-2005, 05:57 AM #4null nullGuest
Re: Using PM with PMDG 737-700
Dear Randy,
I found my mistake. Now it works well.
Again thank you for your feedback
01-04-2005, 05:03 PM #5Karl BatesGuest
Re: Using PM with PMDG 737-700
Hi Randy,
You said that you had some problems running FS9 with PMDG, but now you have
sorted it. What was the mistake that you found out to get things working.
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