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  1. #1
    Rob Archer

    how to load FS flightplans

    OK, i've set a flightplan with-in FS9, it is now active. How do i get to
    display on my PM CDU so it will display on my PFD?? I just want to verify
    i'm doing it correctly as it doesn't work for me.

  2. #2
    Thomas Richter

    Re: how to load FS flightplans

    Hi Rob,
    did you make the flightplan with FS9 or PM-CDU ??
    Best Regards
    Thomas - EW321

    "Rob Archer" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > OK, i've set a flightplan with-in FS9, it is now active. How do i get to
    > display on my PM CDU so it will display on my PFD?? I just want to

    > i'm doing it correctly as it doesn't work for me.
    > Thanks,
    > Rob

  3. #3
    Rob Archer

    Re: how to load FS flightplans

    They are plans made from the FS9 Flightplanner and loaded as a current

  4. #4
    Katy Pluta

    Re: how to load FS flightplans

    On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 20:17:27 EST, Rob Archer wrote:

    > They are plans made from the FS9 Flightplanner and loaded as a current
    > flight.
    > Rob

    Press Route twice then load the latest saved FS flight plan Rob...

    All the Best
    Katy Pluta

  5. #5
    Rob Archer

    Re: how to load FS flightplans

    Thanks Katy. Just wanted to verify i was trying to do it correctly. I'm still
    having the "no fs path" in the CDU when i hit the rte button twice.
    PMfile check shows FSPath to be just fine??

  6. #6
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    Question How to load flight plans in FSX


    Just curious on how you solved this, since I´m experiencing exactly the same problem with FSX, now in 2007.



  7. #7
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    FSX treats flightplans a little differently to FS9. It creates a folder called "Flight Simulator X Files", in my case in C:\My Documents - ie outside of the main FSX files.

    Find this folder and share it, then PM filecheck should find the FS Plans.

    From then on its as below - make and save an FS flight plan, then press RTE twice in the CDU, and" Load FS Flight Plans"

    Note you can also save routes as company routes in the CDU, and then load them.

    Project ERJ 145

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    Still to be Solved

    Dear Paul:

    Thank you very much indeed, for your reply.
    Tryed to PM you, but I´m afraid I´m not yet used to this Forum shortcuts.
    Could you please be so kind as to e-mail me to ?

    Thanks in advance,


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