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Thread: Just to let you know.
07-30-2006, 09:31 AM #1
Just to let you know.
I know within the last 9 months I've not been active or participated in IFSBI functions. I apologize for not explaining myself sooner.
December, 2006 I had some health issues that prevented me to participate and needed to take a back seat. Unfortunately it did not stop there, and several other health events took place to even further distance myself from the Sim Builders world. Although my health is MUCH better now there are still some issues I'm working on. Needless to say this also slowed down my A340Project.
About 4 weeks ago another event (non-health type) has taken place. Causing us to start packing, putting our household belongings into storage and we will move to our Florida home temporarily. The sudden decision has put a great amount of strain on both my wife and I. We recently decided that Decatur was going to be our home and then suddenly the rug was pulled out from under our feet. So a new adventure is in the works.
Yes, my sim has been partially torn down moved. Most of you know that my intentions all along was to be able to put my sim on a trailer and move it to what ever location. This would be for me to share the experience with Students and other Flight Sim enthusiasts. The move forced me to act quickly in this direction.
My friend Charlie and Ross built and installed a heavy duty frame with large casters. I was amazed to be able to move, almost 1,000 lbs. with one hand.
Next step was to be able to move my cockpit and put it in storage. It was hard to find someone to move a 8' X 9' cockpit, or just have the capability to do it. By chance or luck.... I found a 102" wide trailer, 24' long with a hydraulic tilt bed, custom made that some one wanted to get rid of. Just what I needed. My friend Charlie and Ross put on rails and a wench and we were set to goThere are pictures below..... Eventually it will be enclosed with sleeping quarters up front.
Anyway.... that's the latest. Enjoy the pics.
07-30-2006, 06:52 PM #2
I was great to talk with you on the phone the other day. I am glad things are starting to move to the positive side.
These pictures are great. What a cool idea on moving a sim. I hope be able to see you while down in Florida next April. Will follow the progress here as the A340 Project has a brake.
08-01-2006, 10:18 PM #3
Gooday Matt..........I am sorry to hear of your problems. Hope everything keeps going well for you. I certainly do not envy you the moving. I hope I never have to pack all my stuff and move again ! I have at last finished the throttle, and boy was that a big job. Let me know how the move goes and when you get the plane back and running again. By the way I went and bought half a dozen cards from Flightdeck Technology, which I have not as yet tried, but will be a lot easier than epic.
Ok Matt take care, cheers for now ..................Brian W.
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