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  1. #1
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    Eyebrow Window Trim

    Not quite sure I'm happy with the way this turned out. I may have so tweaking to do before laying the fibreglass and resin.

    What you see on the hardware cloth is duct tape. I needed to see how this would look covered and fix any irregularities. I've found plenty so far.

    All I can say at this point is that it looks better than wood.

    Boeing Skunk Works
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  2. Thanks Matt Olieman thanked for this post
  3. #2
    500+ This must be a daytime job Jackpilot's Avatar
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    Pretty sure Nick could spare one 4U!
    B737-700 Posky
    without PMSystem

  4. #3
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    Nick doesn't have any. I've been on a waiting list for the last eight months.

    None of that matters now since this is not likely within spec.
    Boeing Skunk Works
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  5. #4
    150+ Forum Groupie QF6228's Avatar
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    I guess what you have done is thought latterly and tried to achieve the best and closest look you could get to the real thing without having the real thing. I think that you have done that, Looks good mike.


  6. #5
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    i tell ya what....its not bad!.....the overall shape looks fine....really good in fact.

    you will just have to get a smooth surface all over....and both sides identical-ish.

  7. #6
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Tomlin's Avatar
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    Mike, this is inspiring. Can you send a photo or post one that show it before the tape was applied so I can see how the hardware cloth worked out? I am liking that idea for the iterior sub-base for my LJ45 and can invision it, but I'd love to see it on your wood frame first.
    Eric Tomlin-
    Learjet 45 Builder

  8. #7
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    I'd be glad to Eric, but it might be several days before I strip it off.

    What I did was cut one large oversize sheet of the hardware cloth to roughly fit the two windows. I used staples to attach it to the framework and then started cutting in the center of each opening and bending.

    The problem with working with inside corners is that you never can have enough material to cover the inside of the frames. Unlike wrapping a box where you always have too much material.

    If applying the tape was any indication, it's going be a tough job to get the fibreglass cloth applied with no wrinkles. Too many compound angles and curves combined.

    I've seriously given thought to correcting the imperfections that can be seen through the tape, and fibreglassing right over it. I don't know if that would work, but I don't see why it wouldn't.

    I will likely have to cut individually fitted pieces of the fibreglass cloth to do this. One large sheet cut the way I cut the hardware cloth isn't going to work.

    I wonder how they modeled these for the molds for injection or stamping?
    Boeing Skunk Works
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  9. #8
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Tomlin's Avatar
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    Thanks Mike

    As far as I know, these are probably vacum formed, but who knows!?

    I appreciate the work you're putting into this and hopefully (and I know you will) you will find a way to make it work to your satisfaction. My plan is to use the HW cloth, cover in thin foam, and cover with a material. However, the material will probably do like what your talking about with the glass cloth as well. I just had a thought for my project- maybe I can take the whole half of the shell to the upholstry place and have them do it!
    Eric Tomlin-
    Learjet 45 Builder

  10. #9
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    Mike, are you planning on making the eyebrow windows see-though in other words are you going to block them up so you can't actually see through them. I thought about eyebrow lights for my 737 but i would need screens to put behind each and 4 screens is a bit overkill realy so i decided to leave them out in my sim.
    Geremy Britton
    Executive Assistant, MyCockpit Inc
    Head of GLB Flight Products

  11. #10
    500+ This must be a daytime job Jackpilot's Avatar
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    You could consider a high density styrofoam sheet 1/2"thick
    Cut parts to measure, apply on the wood, and sand to quarter round the joints
    The high density is not that messy to work with and you could end up with perfectly flat surfaces. Somes paints are compatible with styro.
    Besides the real ones are not hard either, they are made of a sort of rubbery foam.
    I have a set if you want pictures /dimensions.
    B737-700 Posky
    without PMSystem

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