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Thread: schematicsman

  1. #1
    Our new friend needs to reach 10 posts to get to the next flight level
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    hi everyone how are we?

    Im new to this an armature really,but am willing to learn how build my own flight sim one day,from A to Z...

    I'm very interested in the Boeing Aircraft and was wondering how to go about and build gauges for the older type like the 707-230C aircraft,727,747?
    I would like to learn everything there is about flight sim building and I really love this site I stumbled upon..

    ALL the best everyone...

  2. #2
    Executive Vice President, MyCockpit

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    Welcome aboard, you're in the right place. There are just a few, but VERY talented 727 builders. They'd love to get you in their web

    Glad you're here, good luck on your project, again, plenty of help here

    Matt Olieman

  3. #3
    150+ Forum Groupie Padraig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schematicsman View Post
    hi everyone how are we?

    Im new to this an armature really,but am willing to learn how build my own flight sim one day,from A to Z...

    I'm very interested in the Boeing Aircraft and was wondering how to go about and build gauges for the older type like the 707-230C aircraft,727,747?
    I would like to learn everything there is about flight sim building and I really love this site I stumbled upon..

    ALL the best everyone...
    Welcome If your looking to learn about how to build your own gauges then I would suggest you the get the book on "Building Simulated Aircraft Instrumentation" from Mike @

    And if you need help or have questions Mike also posts on these forums frequently.