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  1. #1
    75+ Posting Member

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    ANyone checked out this website and the Throttle Quardrant

    Hey everyone,

    Has anyone checked out this website and the throttle quardrant? I am interested in the TQ for my sim.....



    Chris Danker
    Brisbane, AUSTRALIA

  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict mpl330's Avatar
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    Hi Chris,

    I believe this to be a newer version of the Symulatory TQ (notice the Poldragonet logo topright...) and if it is then I believe it is the same TQ that I have and Ian Sissons also has (I think you visited Ian recently).
    It is my favourite bit of kit I have obtained and is the piece that seems to impress most people - it is capable of autothrottle and auto speedbrake deployment and the trim wheels spin when trim is applied (although I have mine connected thru a switch as they get annoying after a while - not very lifelike but it saves some earache!)
    I need to 'tweak' my config with the help of the Symulatory guys to get it finally spot on for the auto movement but even with it not finely tuned I still love it.
    You may want to do a bit of research into the materials used as they may not be to everyones taste for the casing, of course they may have changed in this version...
    Any questions let me know

  3. #3
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisdanker View Post
    Hey everyone,

    Has anyone checked out this website and the throttle quardrant? I am interested in the TQ for my sim.....



    They are one of our new Supporters, and I urge you to contact them directly. (don't forget to tell them where you saw them) and further to that, they have a section in our forums.

    Seriously though, let us know how you make out with them.

    Trevor Hale

  4. #4
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    TQ at FSC

    hi chris......
    this is the exact same TQ which you used at mine. except of course it's has full motion capabilities.
    two things....i agree with trevor, deal direct with FSC, not just because they are a sponsor(i seem to think we know these guys already), but Symulatory, to be kind, are not at the front of the queue when support is being requested or is needed.
    secondly, with regard to mike's point about the use of materials, i have had to do some 'modifications' to strengthen the assembly because in it's delivered state, i dont think it will stand the constant hammer that we will give it.
    but all in all, if you are going to buy something, then this has got to be it.
    kind regards and hope you are learning lots and keeping well.
    regards from the welsh borders..... ian

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