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  1. #1
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    737 Components - FOR SALE!

    Following the listing of my 737NG Simulator on eBay, I found a buyer that met my asking price. Therefore, my sim has SOLD! With the sale, there are some major components that did not sell and will be posted on eBay shortly. However, prior to doing that, I thought I'd post them here for any interested simmers. I would prefer to sell here, rather than e-Bay. Pictures are available on my web-site. Cheers, Steve

    Cockpit Shell
    -Wood Shell
    -REAL 737-200 interior cockpit moldings (completely refinished)
    -6 x Plexi-glass windows (4 sides blacked out)
    -REAL 737-200 steering tiller
    -2 x REAL 737-200 Map Light

    -1 x REAL 737-200 C0-Pilot Seat
    -2 x Replica 737 Yokes

  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict
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    Items for sell?

    Steve could you please PM me? I really need the cockpit moldings like a duck needs water. I have a B727 Real Cockpit but it has no interior moldings at all. So, let me know what you would take for them?

    Also, I could use the plexi, but not as bad as I need those moldings. I have some plexi that still has the protective coating on it for my windows lying around; however, if yours are cut and finished that would save me some time. The map lights would be nice as well, but they're more of a finishing item for me right now.



    Oh, what part of Canada are you in? I am in Warrens, Wisconsin, so I am right next door to you...

  3. #3
    10+ Posting Member
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    Hello Steve,

    I'm quite intereested in buying the 2 map lamps.
    Could you please e-mail me ( and condition?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind Regards

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