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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Production photos...

    Here's a link to an image gallery I put together using pics I took while
    building the prototype:



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    Very cool! The structure can be very difficult to fabricate, so the rest should be relatively easy


  3. #3
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geneb View Post
    Here's a link to an image gallery I put together using pics I took while
    building the prototype:


    You know Gene,

    You could repost those in out Photo Gallery.
    Trevor Hale

  4. #4
    500+ This must be a daytime job BHawthorne's Avatar
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    A bit OT, but I noticed a cockit or fuselage section of a real aircraft in the background. What type is it?

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    Robert: That's the idea. I'm trying to reduce all the hard parts as much as possible.

    Trevor, I'll look into it.

    Brad, the fuselage in the background is my F-15C. That project can be seen at

    BTW, here's video of the new gimbal mech:

    Last edited by geneb; 05-19-2008 at 11:38 AM. Reason: added link.

  6. #6
    500+ This must be a daytime job BHawthorne's Avatar
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    Ah, knew I recognised it. I didn't put 2 and 2 together though. Been following your F-15 build for a few years now.

  7. #7
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    So have I. Actually, it's been following ME. I hope to get it finished before the decade runs out. *laughs*

    Here's a new gallery:


  8. #8
    500+ This must be a daytime job BHawthorne's Avatar
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    Your WW-II kit design might actually work good as a modern T-6A trainer layout too. Was just thinking on how the T-6A shares a lot in common with the old WW-II layouts.

  9. #9
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    Based on this:

    It wouldn't be too hard to build if I could get some basic measurements.

    The cockpit I'm working on right now has just enough room for single row 5.75" side consoles. I _think_. I'd have to check my drawings to make sure. The sides could stay the same and a new top & instrument panel could be done. You guys are on your own for the avionics though. That's a lot of glass. *laughs*


  10. #10
    500+ This must be a daytime job BHawthorne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geneb View Post
    Based on this:

    It wouldn't be too hard to build if I could get some basic measurements.

    The cockpit I'm working on right now has just enough room for single row 5.75" side consoles. I _think_. I'd have to check my drawings to make sure. The sides could stay the same and a new top & instrument panel could be done. You guys are on your own for the avionics though. That's a lot of glass. *laughs*

    The side panels would be easy, as they're standard mil-spec DZUS panel dimentions. I could get it pretty close on the main instrument panel too, because they're using standard mounting specs for the instruments. About a year ago I pulled the vector art data out of that powerpoint and converted it over to DXF format. It's not on the money as far as specs, but it's a good starting point. I was planning to match up the specs on those panels to dial in better accuracy on the measurements, but got sidetracked on other projects awhile back. I had one of the guys at make a few test lasercut dzus backlight panels from the right side cockpit layout. I guess it would be a good project to start working on again.

    My original goal was to see how well a 24" LCD would work to do most of that instrument panel. I've not looked into measurement details yet though. The T-6B might be more interesting a build with LCDs though. IMHO it would be cheaper to do 1 or 3 LCD(s) for all instruments on a T-6B than to try and deal with making steam gages for a T-6A. The only unknown after that would be to nail down measurements for the MB Mk-16L seat. The T-6B is a bit more appealing of a glass cockpit layout and even adds in a HUD.

  11. Thanks fweinrebe thanked for this post
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