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    OpenCockpit Clarifications Needed

    Hello everybody. I just registered but I'm amazed at the amount of information available here. Its already come in handy during the planning of my 737NG simulator I'm starting to build.

    So, I just have a few questions regarding the Open Cockpit USBkeys card. What kind of toggle switchs can I use? I'm planning to use this to sync this with the PMDG 737 overhead panel through FSUIPC and need to know for certain that my switches will work.

    Also, what is the shipping costs for these boards to go to California? This is something that will greatly affect my decision on what to use to interface my sim.

    Thanks for your help,

  2. #2
    Boeing 777 Builder

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    SWA, if you're building a 737 and using OC cards, head on over HERE to get a full lesson in how it's done. You'll also find a pdf on how to setup your overhead using the USBKeys card and FSUIPC with the latest version offering off-screen mouse clicks!!! Ian will tell you all about it.

    As for the shipping cost you'll need to go to the Open Cockpit website for that. Go to their online shop and select what you want, then when you go to checkout, the shipping cost is calculated for you. You can then elect to back out of the transaction if you don't want to buy immediately.

    Opencockpits | Aerosim Solutions | Sim-Avionics | P3D | FDS | FTX | AS16 | PPL | Kennair

  3. #3
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    Kennair, I've been to that site and just love it. Thats the samething I'm going to atempt but I just need to know what type of toggle switches are acceptable. I'll probably send him and email soon. Thanks for your help.

  4. #4
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SWA_Addict View Post
    Kennair, I've been to that site and just love it. Thats the samething I'm going to atempt but I just need to know what type of toggle switches are acceptable. I'll probably send him and email soon. Thanks for your help.
    What do you mean by "what kind'? Any kind will work.
    Bob Reed

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Reed View Post
    What do you mean by "what kind'? Any kind will work.
    Well, he said he used spring loaded toggle switches with the USBkeys that revert back to the off position, but I find it hard to believe that he would use Spring loaded toggles on the overhead. How would you know whats turned on and whats off?

    So, you can use any toggle switch with USBkeys? I'm just wondering like On-On toggles, or On-Off or On-Off-On type.

  6. #6
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    Most interfaces can use any kind of toggle switch. How does the interface know what kind of switch you are using? Also keep in mind some of the interfaces have a scan program so they know what position the switches are in on or off.... Some do not I do not know about this one.
    Bob Reed

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Reed View Post
    Most interfaces can use any kind of toggle switch. How does the interface know what kind of switch you are using? Also keep in mind some of the interfaces have a scan program so they know what position the switches are in on or off.... Some do not I do not know about this one.
    Ok, thanks a lot. I'll email Ian and ask my final questions. Thanks a lot for your help everyone.

  8. #8
    Boeing 777 Builder

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    The reason Ian would have stated spring loaded toggles is the the USBKeys card is simply a keyboard emulator not a switch interface card like OC's Mastercard. Therefore just like using a keyboard, you can't hold down a key or have multiple keys on at once. If you want to do this with the overhead you will need to purchase the Mastercard which will give 72 inputs to use any sort of of momentary or permanent switch. The USBKeys card is primarily intended to be used where you want to simulate keyboard inputs such as an FMC, but of course can be used in any application given enough creativity.

    Opencockpits | Aerosim Solutions | Sim-Avionics | P3D | FDS | FTX | AS16 | PPL | Kennair

  9. Thanks Sunday thanked for this post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kennair View Post
    The reason Ian would have stated spring loaded toggles is the the USBKeys card is simply a keyboard emulator not a switch interface card like OC's Mastercard. Therefore just like using a keyboard, you can't hold down a key or have multiple keys on at once. If you want to do this with the overhead you will need to purchase the Mastercard which will give 72 inputs to use any sort of of momentary or permanent switch. The USBKeys card is primarily intended to be used where you want to simulate keyboard inputs such as an FMC, but of course can be used in any application given enough creativity.

    After a little more searching, I found out how he solved the "massive" switching problems that permately on switches produce. He added a diode before each common connection(the letters in the OC USBkeys card).

  11. #10
    300+ Forum Addict jmig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SWA_Addict View Post
    Hello everybody. I just registered but I'm amazed at the amount of information available here. Its already come in handy during the planning of my 737NG simulator I'm starting to build.

    So, I just have a few questions regarding the Open Cockpit USBkeys card. What kind of toggle switchs can I use? I'm planning to use this to sync this with the PMDG 737 overhead panel through FSUIPC and need to know for certain that my switches will work.

    Also, what is the shipping costs for these boards to go to California? This is something that will greatly affect my decision on what to use to interface my sim.

    Thanks for your help,
    Welcome to MyCockpits. We have a Opencockpits forum here, if you haven't already found it.

    The last time I order something from OC I think the freight was around $25.00. It is in Euros, so it will change. Bear in mind that this was only a few ounces. I was going to order one more output connections board and the freight doubled. So, I dropped it.

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