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  1. #1
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    Question Using PM professionally


    This portion of the post is listed as not your personal experience and is removed as hearsay and poses as a direct attack on a vendor
    Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

    There has also been a suggestion that threads or comments that are in any way critical of PM are hastily removed from this site (Big Brother style) so don't be surprised if this thread vanishes without trace! (You could use the "Flying Fools" discussion board of if communication here is prevented in this way.)

    Last edited by Trevor Hale; 04-27-2008 at 09:29 AM. Reason: Edited for Slanderous conduct

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris1960 View Post
    Hi, a friend of mine is trying to use PM professionally and is having a few issues with it which, being a software developer myself, I imagine could be fairly easily resolved were the will to be there.

    You could "imagine" it? That is great. Fantastic.

    As for the rest of your comments here, they are simply not worth commenting on.

    Jonathan Richardson
    Last edited by Trevor Hale; 04-27-2008 at 09:37 AM.
    Jonathan Richardson

  3. #3
    No disrespect but I really don't clearly see your point. as a non vendor in the FS scene and simply a consumer whose been dealing with PM since its inception I will do my best to address your points in a neutral ground format. first off I think it is wrong and unacceptable to accuse MyCockpit of these blatant accusations of prejudice and Bias towards a vendor without actual proof that in fact the reason for removing of any past threads was for that purpose. They could have very well been removed by the myCockpit administrators for other reasons that you are not privy to. I have had posts of mine removed for a variety of reasons whether to me justified or not is irrelevant whats important is the Administrators who pay for this site thought it to be and in todays business world that is grounds enough for that decision. Firstly you must understand the very sensitive position that MyCockpit is in as the walk a very fine line between vendors and consumers. MyCockpit first and foremost is a legitimate legal business entity and as all businesses their first responsibility is to exist for profitable reasons , in absence of that they fail to exist. PM has in fact many times been accused of many things, some valid some not, but you can not fault MyCockpit for removing posts that they feel in someway attacks the credibility of a vendor regardless if said vendor is even a client of MyCockpit. Sorry Chris for being so long winded but the bottom line is you need to realize that it is business and professional suicide for MyCockpit to allow any inflamatory posts or any posts for that matter that may offend the general populace of their readership or the vendors that rely on this entity as an advertising vehicle to be promoted in the most fairest way possible to its readers. If you have an issue or your friend does with PM then contact Enrico personally to present your concerns. I have known Enrico and his staff for many years and found them to always be courteous and helpful in anyway possible. As in any software production in this hobby, it can always be better, faster, do more or just plain more realism but unless were willing to actually write the codes that make this stuff work, I think we should take a step back and realize it was our choice to use a particular software and if it doesnt do what we want either purchase elsewhere or make it ourself. So Chris mny of us here Im sure share in you and your friends frustration but unfortunately pointing fingers and making unfounded rumors or accusations will merely serve to tear down these wonderful organizations like MyCockpit that many of us builders rely on as a fantastic source of assistance, commeraderie and information. Chris I sincerely hope your problems get resolved in near future. I must clearly state I do not work in anyway for MyCockpit, PM, nor am I paid advertiser or in anyway have received any councel or remuneration for my statement here and my statement in no way reflects the opinions of MyCockpit or its readers, it is merely my singular opinion.


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    To my knowledge PM has not asked for a post to be removed, the administrators have done so of their own accord based on the premise that this is a technical forum.

    PM has every right to protect its commercial interests as does any other organization and will do so.

    The posting here from "Chris" is not helpful to us, to the community and I would be very interested in the name of the professional customer that he in some way is feeling the need to represent, perhaps he is the pro customer or perhaps the pro customer is a private customer? One can never know without specifics. I am sure if they are a pro customer they would also not appreciate the posting here either. It serves no purpose to anyone apart from being wholly untrue with no possible foundation.

    Professional customers can approach us just like any other customer, normally all change requests to a time line laid down by a customer are chargeable. Depending on how important their change request is (normally specific to their own systems) we will tell them how much that will cost, (all charging is representative of normal software company charging) and then they are in a position to decide just how important the change is to them. All changes require a lot of time, one can imagine all one likes, but anything in software this complex takes time which is chargeable because contrary to the poster's belief / simplification, we have a lot of software to develop and support. This is specialist software, for special application, it is not a mass product. It is sold at the price point that reflects what we value it at; it touches many areas that are of very high level (not found elsewhere) and other areas that are more for GC familiarization. If you get into a situation where someone has unrealistic expectation from software at this level (when the alternative would have cost hundreds of thousands more) then you will never keep the customer happy, because the customer has lost a grip on the reality of the situation.

    Jonathan Richardson
    Jonathan Richardson

  5. #5
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris1960 View Post

    Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

    There has also been a suggestion that threads or comments that are in any way critical of PM are hastily removed from this site (Big Brother style) so don't be surprised if this thread vanishes without trace! (You could use the "Flying Fools" discussion board of if communication here is prevented in this way.)


    Hi Chris,

    Please take some time to review our usage policy. We do not allow direct attacks, or slanderous comments to any vendor, not just Project magenta. Further to that, Warvet made 100% correct statements. We are a business, and I do not know if your "Flying Fools" forum is as well, however in the world we live in, you cannot expect to attack a company with unfounded, and nonfactual statements without repercussion.

    Therefore it is our duty to protect our business from any and all possible legal issues, and must remain middle of the road.

    I would be more then happy to discuss this in a private nature, in the Private Messaging section of our website if you prefer.

    Just to reitterate, you may describe personal events that occur to you directly in an appropriate manor, without bashing, flaming, or attacking, however you are at no time permitted to speak the the events of a third party. (Our House, Our Rules)

    Best regards,

    Trevor Hale
    Trevor Hale

  6. Thanks Westozy, Matt Olieman thanked for this post
  7. #6
    Executive Vice President, MyCockpit

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    Chris, A first time poster (1), you dare come in here to stir barnyard dung. I don't know you or does anyone else.

    If you can't contribute to our hobby, go away!!!!

    Matt Olieman
    Executive Vice President, COO
    MyCockpit, Inc.

  8. Thanks Westozy, W9XE/Project777 thanked for this post