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Thread: UK Import Duty

  1. #1
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    UK Import Duty

    Just in case there are any new guys (like me) arriving here, a little explanation of UK import duty (as I see it) when purchasing from the USA.
    Just this week I ordered some components for my sim from a supplier in the US. Fabulous service, shipped via UPS and delivered within 2 days to me in N. Ireland. Wow ! But...

    A breakdown of my order is as follows:
    Components - $125 --- £64
    Shipping - $97 --- £49 (heavy items)
    UK Import Duty-$86 -- £42.38 (£31.38 import duty + £11 Other Goverment Charges/Brokerage Surcharge)

    So for my order priced at £64 it actually cost me £155!!!
    What I didn't realise was that they add the shipping costs to the item costs before caculating the import duty.
    If your item costs more than £18 then it is liable for import duty. So take care when calculating your purchases.

  2. #2
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    YIKES!!! Thanks for pointing that out Bill!!
    Bob Reed

  3. #3
    300+ Forum Addict mpl330's Avatar
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    It's a killer

    But did you get anything nice Bill?

  4. #4
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    Well yes I hope so. A couple of Bass Shakers and an Amp to drive them. Won't get them fitted until the weekend though.

  5. #5
    300+ Forum Addict mpl330's Avatar
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    Hi Bill,
    Keep us informed - I've been looking at a pair of Aura bass shakers to come from the US and cant decide whether its worth it...

  6. #6
    300+ Forum Addict phil744's Avatar
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    Yep, been stung by this many times before, I dont have the problem on paying the VAT, its the charge by the postal company for holding it for you, usually £8, And yeah its anything over £18 that VAT applies for, but its true, they include the cost of shipping on top of the purchase price on whatever it is your shipping.

  7. #7
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    Will do. I'm waiting now for a stepdown voltage convertor (from UK!!!) as the amp uses 120v - hence the delay in fitting. The amp is a panel fitting one about 6"*6" and looks great. Will be fitting the amp amd shakers to a car seat that I have built as my pilots seat. I'm a succour for adverts and they say it is the "Disney type experience" - well that is good enough for me. I also like the idea of feeling the bass without the volume being set too high.

  8. #8
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    Same deal for us norwegians.

    product price + shipping cost = Total value of package. Then 25% VAT on top of that.

    Government see shipping as a product you buy And they are right about it.

    I dont like the fees the transport companies charge to declare the goods into the destination country. They easy charge 50 usd for sending me a bill for the VAT.

    So a 50 usd ebay product + 50 usd shipping + 25% VAT = 125 usd. And then often another 50 for declaring the goods.

    A 50 usd ebay product can cost me 175 usd in total if I am unlucky.

    If buying stuff from private people, they can always write the invoice down. Save some cash then.

    And you can do the customs declaration yourself. It is actually very easy. Then the transport company cant charge you for that.

  9. Thanks W9XE/Project777 thanked for this post
  10. #9
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    Will do. I'm waiting now for a stepdown voltage convertor

    Dont use any kind of electronic converter
    Only stepdown transfomer if you wont to keep your amp alive

  11. #10
    25+ Posting Member John Davis's Avatar
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    If possible see if the company will list the items as commercial samples, it avoids the duty

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