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Thread: My first pit.

  1. #1
    150+ Forum Groupie
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    My first pit.

    I built this model a couple of years ago and I still use it all the time.

    I had to build it so I could hide it away ,, in the form of a nice table. That way my wife won't roll it outside some day when I'm away . LOL

    It takes me about 5 min to set it up and about the same tiome to store it again.
    I've spent many hours in it doing IL-2 with friends online and also flying FS2004. Sometimes till very late at night.

    The throttle quadrant is made out of an old Logitech Wingman. There is also an Aura Force feedback cushion sewn into the back of the seat.
    Trackir3 with 6DoF ,, of course !

    Not a big project like the one I've started now or some of the great cockpits on this site,, but,, I learned quite a bit from building it.
    Last edited by spitfire9; 03-30-2008 at 05:48 PM. Reason: added attachments

  2. #2
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor AndyT's Avatar
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    It does not matter how big your project is. Its more about what you put into it. And I'm not talking dollars here.. I'm talking sweat equity. When you build something and then use it like this, it is so very much more valuable than some generic something you bought.
    God's in command, I'm just the Pilot.

  3. #3
    150+ Forum Groupie magicaldr's Avatar
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    Looks great, and as Andy said a pit is what is right for you. Your pit is more advanced than mine in that you made a chair and controls. My first pit was a modified cupboard in corner of the lounge, same reason, to stop the wife ejecting it out the window Still I never got round to doing much more than adding a few shelves for the hardware.

    My current pit (see profile) is just a piece of wood with holes in it, a poster, and a few switches. The rest is just a balancing act with a file box, cat food bin, etc to get the screen and controls where I need them. Nothing permanent as I never finish deciding what I want. Still gives me great pleasure to pop off in my piper of an evening.

    Only with my 3rd gen pit in planning stage at mo will I reach you level

    FSX | Piper Warrior | GoFlight

  4. #4
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    Lost my attached pictures,, but I got them posted again ??

  5. #5
    C441 Nutcase Sweetwater's Avatar
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    I like it! It is nice and compact and looks very functional.. Nice job!
