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    150+ Forum Groupie Radar's Avatar
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    fustration usd axes card

    Can someone tell me why I;m getting so much ossilation . Axes are moving up and down on there own???
    I calibrate for trottle and all axes move?
    How can I assign engine 1 and engine 2?
    Do I need diodes for my bottuns?
    Click one button and 10 come one????
    I'm really fustrated here.

    Was this open cockpit card a waste of money???

    Man oh man. I'm about to trow in the towel.

    Wirering for days and you get crap. THERES GOT TO BE A EAZIER WAYYYYY

  2. #2
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    pots are 10 k ? they work correctly ? not spiking ? tested on other cards ?

    the inputs of the axes card are multiplexed. they are used in 3 are not mixing groups ?

    The Dutch 737 Simulator Project

  3. #3
    500+ This must be a daytime job 737NUT's Avatar
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    Not to be rude but the search function is a wonderful tool!! I have posted several items about the problems you are having.

    Opencockpit cards are wonderful EXCEPT the usbAxis card.

    I fixed my problems by running a ground wire from the usb metal shield to the shell of my throttle quad.

    By the way, 10K pots have nothing to do with any jitter or problems. I currently use 1K pots and have tested 5K 10K 20K 50K and 500K. All worked great. It is a grounding issue on the card that i hope they will fix.

    The work-around is above as i stated.

  4. #4
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    only talking from personal experience.....

    i had severe spiking problems with 100 k pots. 10 k solved the problem with me. The manual only mentions 10 k pots. I havent tried any other than 10k (perfect) and 100 k ( spikes) but could be a problem with the pot too.

    if your cable to the usb axes card is very long you could try shielded wire.

    never had any grounding problems...

    The Dutch 737 Simulator Project

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    I use the usb axis card with no problems.

    1) yes, you need diodes, wire them between pins1 1 of J8 - J14 and each of the switches. You will end up with three diodes leading to three switches off each of those pins (if you have all 24 switches connected). I have 23 of the 24 switches connected with no problems.

    2) you need to attach a dummy load across any unused axes, for example 2 50K resistors effectively setting the axis to mid travel. Apparently all axes are unstable without these resistors.

    Hope it works - I have had no trouble from my card, I wish I could use SIOC with it though.



    PS there is an easier way - it involves paying a potload of money! OC stuff is cheap..
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  6. #6
    500+ This must be a daytime job

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    Also think this should be in the OC forum.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rottenlungs View Post

    I use the usb axis card with no problems.

    1) yes, you need diodes, wire them between pins1 1 of J8 - J14 and each of the switches. You will end up with three diodes leading to three switches off each of those pins (if you have all 24 switches connected). I have 23 of the 24 switches connected with no problems.

    2) you need to attach a dummy load across any unused axes, for example 2 50K resistors effectively setting the axis to mid travel. Apparently all axes are unstable without these resistors.

    Hope it works - I have had no trouble from my card, I wish I could use SIOC with it though.



    PS there is an easier way - it involves paying a potload of money! OC stuff is cheap..
    Hi James

    Can you make a drawing on how to connect the diodes?
    I'm a bit confused about that.

    Best regards

    Jan Geurtsen

  8. #8
    150+ Forum Groupie Radar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by efecemelci View Post
    Also think this should be in the OC forum.

    This is no helpful at all. BS

    Where in this this manual does it say diodes are need

  9. #9
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Radar View Post
    This is no helpful at all. BS

    Where in this this manual does it say diodes are need
    Well I took a fast look through the manual and it does not say that it does. But the card works on a matrix and you almost always have to use diodes. The way it works because you are sharing pins to get the different switches to work, when you push one switch, you get back feed through the wiring and it triggers 2 or more that share the same common. The diode only allows power to flow through it one direction and stops the ghosting or pushing of multiple switches at the same time. I hope this helps some...
    Bob Reed

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Radar View Post
    This is no helpful at all. BS

    Where in this this manual does it say diodes are need
    If you mean my comment is not helpful at all, I'd urge you to think about the next guy with a similar problem who'll be looking through the OC forum for a solution. This thread concerns OC and in my opinion this needs to be in the relevant part of the forum.


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