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  1. #1
    Our new friend needs to reach 10 posts to get to the next flight level
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    Hello and a Question

    This is my first post to this forum, and so I want to introduce myself and my project first.
    I am living in Austria, building my sim for the last aprx. 4 years. My sim is a 747-400 which only e few guys are building, dual seat with linked controls (only control column at the moment, pedals will follow). In the last few weeks I was working on my instructor station, because in pmsystems and BGC I think I can’t do any more steps without further steps by PM.

    I attached 2 pictures of my project. (Approach to LOWL 27, Fire on Engine 2)

    The second Part of this post is a question. I always was able to see the Landing and the Taxi Light from my Cockpit view, in Down or Night, if I switched them on. While developing with my Instructor Station I crashed my FS9.1 to Desktop sometimes, due to software errors in my work. Today I recognized that the Landing and the Taxi lights are not visible if I look outside my Sim Pit. If I switch to the Virtual Cockpit View or to another (outside) view I can see the Landing and the Taxi Light. The Lights are reacting to my switches as they should. Only in the normal Cockpit View (I use Matrox Parhelia with 3 screens 21” on Zoom 0.5) they are not visible. My Switches interact with the FS Offsets correct, and the Switches in the FS9 Panel are moving as they should.
    I changed the Aircraft to the default FS9.1 737, and observed the same. No Landing- Taxilight in Cockpit View. (So I think its Aircraft independent)
    I tried to center the Landing Light with Strg Shift 5, but didn’t help.
    Checked the SIM PC (Chkdsk /F), no errors reported.

    Maybe I lost a something like a texture File?

    Is anybody able to help me?
    Thanks a lot
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    I can't help Peter, but welcome to the site.

    Nice photos.
    Boeing Skunk Works
    Remember...140, 250, and REALLY FAST!

    We don't need no stinkin' ETOPS!

    Powered by FS9 & BOEING

  3. #3
    Our new friend needs to reach 10 posts to get to the next flight level
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    I solved the landing light problem.