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Thread: New Landing

  1. #1
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    New Landing

    My name is Daniel Otero I am from Spain, building an A320 cockpit. I followed the growing of these community with hope and admiration since several years. common efforts and to share knowlodge is the main purpose of members. Unfortunately sometimes general terms are not respect.

    The following is for general information for customers:

    Under Classifieds, somebody is selling an item that is not commercial (A320 Throttle), it was purchase as a limited serie of a particular design ( copyright and patent pending) made by Spanish builders, who shared the item to flightsim comunity. Price which only cover manufacture cost, was 2000 Euro, now somebody without authorisation try to make profit without permisson. For sure legal actions will be taken against this behaviour.

    Besides, nice to follow the growing of mycockpit from "inside"

    Best wishes

  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict BlackWidow's Avatar
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    Not trying to be rude but maybe you should have brought this to the attention of the seller of this product privatly instead of openly trying to bash his sale. I think in the best intrest of all parties this should be a private matter not a public one. just my 2cents

  3. #3

    W9XE/Project777's Avatar
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    It looks like the item has been removed from the Classifieds. Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the membership.

    Since their is no plan in place to screen items "For Sale" when posting we leave it up to the discretion of the seller to be responsible for the sale.

    Mycockpit will not support any item if there is a copyright or software pirating issues relating to product being advertised.

    On the A320 throttle kit, I have never seen this posted anywhere else before. If the item is available for the general flight sim community we welcome the posting by the Vendor if they should decide to use our Classifieds. There is even a special category for there items to post.

    The numbers of hits on this site is staggering. We could have not visioned the amount of activity in just over 2 years from start. We would like to see more members use the Classifieds for there items they need to move. Several builders are upgrading to different aircraft and have older panels they no longer have a need for. Other builders are on a much more limited budget and this is a good place to pick up a good deal on some used panels or other FS hardware.

    A word of caution on support of an item posted. It is up to the seller and buyer to work out any issues regarding that product sold. The original vendor may not support that product anymore and should not be held responsible. So the item should be marked "as is" by the seller if no warranty is honored.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackWidow View Post

    Not trying to be rude but maybe you should have brought this to the attention of the seller of this product privately instead of openly trying to bash his sale. I think in the best interest of all parties this should be a private matter not a public one. just my 2cents
    BlackWidow: Thank You for your 2 cents. I agree this is a better way to handle this type of issues.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for your welcome blackwidow, but i do not agree with you, of course an e-mail was send to vendor privatly but I think the customer must to know that product specification is not as it should be, and this only can be done at open forum.

    Larry: thanks for your words, if growing rate of my cockpit users continue growing up, some type of supervisi髇 will be needed for this problems

    Daniel Otero

  5. #5
    150+ Forum Groupie luisgordo's Avatar
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    Please check your inbox; I just sent you a PM.
    Luis Gordo
    Instructor StationTM -

  6. #6
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Hi Daniel,

    This issue was brought to my attention 2 weeks ago, and I had communicated with the site owner. We resolved the issue within hours of the classified post. I immediately removed the add from the classified section.

    Please be aware that we ( try to stay middle ground on disputes especially those of which threaten legal action.

    Rest assured if there is any dispute of any kind, we will simply withdrawal from such dispute by removing the posting.

    We will not support either party, we will maintain that middle ground.

    Please check with your colleges as it was one of the suppliers of that part we communicated with.

    In either case, I see no reason to rehash this issue, and have locked this thread.

    I wish you the best of luck in your project, and look forward to seeing your involvement at

    Best regards,

    Trevor Hale
    Mycockpit - Admin
    Trevor Hale

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