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  1. #1
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    PMDG 737 or 737 Pilot In Command

    i will be buying some professional software for the 737 in the next 24 hours. but i have seen the PMDG 737 and then 737 Pilot in command. as far as i can see the difference is that pilot in command has a weather radar.

    (I want the new 737 glass cockpit by the way NG)

    can anyone help me decide and what will be best for realism and to make a general home pit. i know gwyn said pmdg a couple of months ago but if someone could ensure i make the right choice before i spend the dough!

    thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    150+ Forum Groupie sas550's Avatar
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    Well if you want an NG the choice is easy, PMDG. The Feelthere 737 is a Classic version. (3,4 and 500 series).

    I have some Feelthere panels (737 PIC is developed by Feelthere) and they are ok but they use a different pattern than most of the developers, ie an own database for the fmc, wich causes trouble from time to time, and they don't to use fsuipc wich makes it hard to interface between hardware and panel (throttle etc).

    I would choose PMDG. First, because there's others that succesfully built a pit around it. Second, my very subjective feeling of more reliability.

    Ps. I don't have the the 737 PIC but their ERJ145, legacy and also their Wilco A3XX. They all use the same navigation database. I've had the PMDG 737 NG from the day it was released. You should have seen their forum at that time, Wow they where bashed hard since the panel was almost unusable. Much have happend since then and it's now one of the best addons out there.
    Regards Anders Eriksson


  3. #3
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    ok then....

    2 types
    PMDG 600/700
    PMDG 800/900

    i would say 800/900 - yes?

  4. #4
    150+ Forum Groupie sas550's Avatar
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    To have 8/900 you'll need the 6/700 aswell. The 6/700 is the plattform wich can be upgraded to content 8/900.

    At least this was the case from the start. I don't know if that has changed.

    If I remember correctly ther are some enhanced system simulations in the 8/900 uppgrade so I'd go for the whole pack.
    Regards Anders Eriksson


  5. #5
    500+ This must be a daytime job 737NUT's Avatar
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    I have all the PMDG 737's and the PIC737.

    Flight dynamics, PMDG the best, Systems, PMDG!

    Visuals, even , both are good

    If you like the older 737 then the PIC rules.

  6. #6
    300+ Forum Addict David Rogers's Avatar
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    I too have all of the PMDG and feelThere add-ons. My views:-

    - PMDG: More reliable, better key command capabilities, better VCs.

    - 737PIC: Better hand flying dynamics, better 2D panel.

    Both Overheads cover similar levels of functionality. They're essentially both good add-ons. Just depends whether you want a New Gen (PMDG) or a Classic (PIC).
    David R
    Durham, England

    1979 Mooney M20J Cockpit builder ......

  7. #7
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    I am a big fan from the PIC-300.BUT...Go-flight MCP-PRO is NOT working with it,although it should.
    I have also a throttle from ""and is not compatible....yet.
    PMDG need some extra sofware for Go-flight,and for the throttle there is nothing available.I would like to stay with PIC-300 ,but the problems drive me crazy.
    Any advise, maybe Project Magenta is the only solution?but then i get other problems?
    The gauges from "Flight Illusion" are doing very well


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