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    A320 Approach phase

    Hi all A320 home simbuilders!

    My A320 cockpit have a great progress. I am interesting if someone use and works properly with A320 MCDU approach phase. When I was activated and confirm approach on PERF page, speed go down to clean speed and stay there all the time. I can not see deceleration point on ND and speed independent of flaps positions!?

    Maybe something missing in my procedures or...

    Igor Perne

  2. #2
    150+ Forum Groupie pdpo's Avatar
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    Hi there,

    I can confirm this behaviour...for sure some functionality is missing
    in the PM airbus MCDU and many bugs exist. Even Jonathan Richardson claimed in some
    post that the professional customers get the same software as we do...
    I cannot believe professionals would accept the airbus suite as it is now.
    There are many issues with direct to, efob calc, eta over waypoints,
    sid/star, calculation of TOC (top of climb), calculation of TOD (top of descend),
    managed descend with constraints, mcdu display (waypoint before the TD is not shown anymore, trim setting is blocked until thrust reduction altitude), ....etc... long list and I have given up sending it to Enrico all the time. He must think of me already as a pain in the ***. And lately I did not get any reply anymore on my problem list I have send to him.
    There are also many problems with FCU (managed indications in hardware disappear when throttle set into idle, speed-mach jumps when in ALT CRZ and the altitude of the plane changes due to pressure changes in the weather, no auto switch from speed to mach at the levels defined in the FCOM, almost unable to perform a go around because when setting the throttle into TOGA the throttle increase is very slow and speed is lost whel pulling up ...etc...)

    Greetz Peter

    PS : a lot of frustration builds up when dealing with software which does not work as it should and mostly spoils the "nice flight" experience
    You know murphy... most of the issues pop up just at the time someone is visiting the cockpit or when flying online and it get busy.

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