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Thread: 2D & VC Images

  1. #1
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    2D & VC Images

    Good Afternoon All,

    I have a question regarding using a combination of 2D and VC images. I building a sim using the PMDG 737 as a base and will probably go with the Matrox TH2Go and 3 x 24" monitors for the outside view. I'm also thinking about using Track IR and am wondering if I can set up my MIP using 2D panels and the outside view in VC mode as the Track IR can only be used in VC mode.

    I would appreciate any thoughts/comments/ideas on this.



  2. #2
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Yes. You will undock the PMDG windows, Position them on your Main instrument panel and save the flight. This will be the flight you load each and every time you want to fly the sim. You will need to use the aircraft model that has no VC. then when your in VC mode, you won't see any panel.

    Hope this works for you.

    Trevor Hale

  3. #3
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    Same Problem

    Hi, I basically have the same question although I actually want the vc there not just the view and I want that second monitor showing the 2d instruments. I set up vc mode on the pmdg with the th2go 3 x 21" screen on one vga port then add the fourth monitor to the second vga port. I then press alt enter to get window mode then all **** breaks loose. The mouse with egg timer is having a fit and I can hardly drag anything over to the fourth monitor never mind a stretched mode on the other 3.


  4. #4
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    Thanks i was thinking about that too. Good idea when you think of it!


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