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  1. #1
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    Question Electronics Help!


    I realy need some help with this i barely know the first thing about electronics (and i'm building a Flight Sim - i know!) but if someone could give me some SIMPLE circuit diagrams via message or in the download forum possibly you have used indicating which type of resistors, leds, timers etc. to make an easy circuit with a switch and a LED that would be great.

    I have access to parts and can solder but just dont know what to use without bringing the house down!

    Someone please help me !

    Thanks, Geremy

  2. #2
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 737 Gez View Post

    I realy need some help with this i barely know the first thing about electronics (and i'm building a Flight Sim - i know!) but if someone could give me some SIMPLE circuit diagrams via message or in the download forum possibly you have used indicating which type of resistors, leds, timers etc. to make an easy circuit with a switch and a LED that would be great.

    I have access to parts and can solder but just dont know what to use without bringing the house down!

    Someone please help me !

    Thanks, Geremy
    Hi Geremy. First off if you have not looked at interfaces, that is the first thing you are going to have to do. You need an interface to talk from FS to hardware and from hardware to FS. I know another wrench in the works. But there is no other way to do it. So my first recommendation is start looking at interfaces, decide what you want to do as far as what do you need for switches and leds and other lights and then pick one that looks like it will do all you want. Don't worry I did not know a lot about electronics in the design and build area until I go into this either and I have learned ( with a lot of help from the folks here) as I went. It is a growing process as your sim grows so do your abilities.
    Bob Reed

  3. #3
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    I have looked at the internet and found IO cards and epic cards but look pretty complex to me (and expensive) Is their anything you could recommend that is reasonably straight forward.

    The Only thing i can see that ticks the boxes is keyboard interfacing. I wonder if anyone else is using the same sofware that could help me out?


  4. #4
    MyCockpit Support Staff

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    Click Here To Contribute To Our Site Sim-Boards - click, assign & play, even a mechanical engineer found the wiring up easy! They are in Croydon I think.

    Last edited by W9XE/Project777; 08-21-2007 at 07:01 PM. Reason: Corrected Link

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