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  1. #1
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    Smile New B737 & A320 builder in London

    Hi Guy's,

    I've been into flight sim since 1995 early days. I've now come a decision that I want to enjoy this hobby on a big scale, so I'm going to build or part build two sim's one of each with product's from FDS, Engravity, Aerdeckengineering and Simparts .

    Now as this is such a large scale project just wondered if anyone lives in this neck of the woods who might like to help out and of course take pleasue in the first flights.

    There are many pro's and con's to building either so I THOUGHT why not build both and stop faffing around because I like both aircraft.

    Anyway I'm learning loads on here and its truely amazing to see such excellence - high quality products being offered to home and pro builders a like.

    Could you image TWO simulators for you to play with!!!


  2. #2
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Bob Reed's Avatar
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    Welcome and...... 2 SIMS!!!!!! My wife just looked at me and said... "Don't even think about it!" Any way you are a glutton for punishment! Yes this site is FULL of GREAT information and people ready to help with ideas and answers to all kinds of questions. Always good to see new faces and we like pictures.. Lots of pictures! Enjoy your stay here and I look forward to watching your progress.
    Bob Reed

  3. #3
    MyCockpit Support Staff

    Westozy's Avatar
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    How about building one sim with interchangeable MIPs and pedestal. My sim components plug together on multipin plugs and I can dismantle it to fit through a door in 30 minutes. I have previously mused over making an Airbus MIP and pedestal for quick changeover but probably won't do it now my sim is nearly finished. It's just food for thought!

    Regards Gwyn, and welcome to

    737NG using Prosim737, Immersive Calibration Pro, Aerosim Solutions motorized TQ & cockpit hardware, CP Flight MCP & FDS SYS1X, SYS2X & SYS4X, FDS PRO FMCs, AFDS units & Glarewings, Matrix Orbital ELEC display, Pokeys Landing & Cruise alt display, Buttkicker Gamers, 3 x BenqMW811ST projectors with a Matrox Th2Go
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