News Release FSPS Announcement The Release Of The New BOEING 737NG Fire System.
FSPS Announces BOEING 737NG Fire System
FSPS announces the release of the new BOEING 737NG Fire system. This new product allows cockpit builders to connect their Fire panel and cargo panel to their hardware, adding 100% realistic functions.
Created with technical input from real Boeing manuals, the BOEING 737NG Fire system adds the complete realist fire circuits to your cockpit letting you handle also all possible failures while giving you the opportunity to auto reset the failure after correct actions.
FSPS – Boeing 737NG Fire system is available at www.simmarket.com
Realistic fire panel and cargo panel. 100%
- Realistic handle lockers function
- Realistic bottle squibs
- Realistic solenoid valves
- Realistic Loops (A&B) for fire panel
- Realistic bottle pressure according to OAT
- Realistic Wheel Well function
- Realistic EXT Tests
Failures (Fire panel) with auto reset after correct action
- Engine 1 Fire
- Engine 2 Fire
- APU Fire
- Wheel Well Fire
- Loop failures
- Bottle leakage's
Cargo panel 100% realistic
- Realistic Loops (A&B)
- Realistic FWD & AFT circuits
- Realistic arm and disch functions
Failures (Cargo panel) with auto reset after correct action
- Loop failures
- Bottle leakage's
- FWD & AFT smoke
Fire system and sixpack system is very related together. So, for realist sixpack system you need the FSPS sixpack system.