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    25+ Posting Member Brian's Avatar
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    Question FS9 Speedbrake auto deployment

    for my setup it is necessary to deactivate the fs9 auto speedbrake deployment inside the default 737.
    Does anyone know how to...?

  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict mauriceb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    for my setup it is necessary to deactivate the fs9 auto speedbrake deployment inside the default 737.
    Does anyone know how to...?
    I think I may know where the problem lies here. I had lots of grief myself with the spoilers when I designed & built my 737 throttle assembly.

    You must be using a potentiometer to manually deploy the spoilers in FS9 when in normal flight. When you land, you want the spoilers to deploy automatically, which FS9 will command if the spoilers are armed, the power is at idle setting and the wheels touch the ground. When you re-apply the power, you also want the spoilers to retract automatically.

    And this is the problem. When the autothrottle is on, FS9 ignores any inputs from the throttle potentiometers. You can move the throttle handles all you want & nothing happens. But unlike the throttles, FS9 never ignores the input from the spoilers potentiometers. So, any physical movement of the spoilers sends signals to FS9 and FS9 itself is trying to activate the spoilers and they get into a tug of war.
    What was happening to me was that the spoiler handle would just go crazy & move back & forth wildly under certain conditions (I'm using a servo & Phidgets software & hardware to activate the servo.

    Basically, FS9 is trying to set the spoiler position, which is moving the POT, but the POT is fed back into FS9 as a spoiler position and the two may not agree with each other. I solved my problem with a simple logic circuit which I designed, rather than trying to change the way FS9 works, which I think would be much harder (for me at least).

    If you are interested I can post my logic circuit. It would need to be modified since you are using a DC motor rather than a servo, but I think the same idea could work for you too.


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