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  1. #1
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    Flight simulators

    Hello All,
    The phidget looks very cool, but I have a question on flight simulators. I want to use it to make a cockpit and want to make sure it will work for what I need. The hardware will do what I need it to but I want to make sure it will work with the flight simulator I want to use. I really like x-plane, will it work with it. I imagine it should work with any sim but just don't know for sure. Is the FS2Phidget compatible with any flight simulator?

    Also can you run two 8/8/8 boards simultaneously?


  2. #2

    You can hook up as many phidgets to one computer as you want to.

    FS2Phidgets is only for MSFS. It doesn't work with any other programs.


  3. #3
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    Thanks for the info. There must be someone that has made the phidget work with x-plane, unfortunately I am more handy with making hardware than programming. Is there a way to have the phidget emulate a standard 4 axis joystick or 4?

  4. #4
    Sure, take a look at our joystick tutorials here:

    Regular joysticks can be hacked to access their potentiometers in the same way as in these tutorials. Then you can set those analog inputs to MSFS using FS2Phidget.

    More tutorials and examples showing how to output the joystick info to pan and tilt servo setups are forthcoming in the next month.


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