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Thread: 787 MIP Design Nears Completion
06-09-2008, 04:01 AM #1
787 MIP Design Nears Completion
Well I'm almost there. A few things are wrong but they are deliberate so overall I am very happy with this.
A few things have been revised, including the sides that are now rectangular.
Remember, I have no measurements to work with, not a single one, so this is all from 2 pictures that are on the web.
Put some DZUS rails in there, not perfect but they are going to be fixed soon.
This got sent off to the metal cutters down the road for a quote and to another important person for recommendations so the design probably will change slightly in the next few days but this is most likely how it will look.
Some pics are of the back and some of the front, haven't put colours in this time but you should be able to see which is which.
Suggestions welcome
Many Thanks,
Lewis Simmons
06-09-2008, 09:00 AM #2
Just my 2 cents before you go to the metalshop!
The dimensions indicated here are critical .
Unless you can have special custom built monitors, which I doubt, the standard size of available flat screens must prevail over whatever size you have extrapolated from the available "doc".
B737-700 Posky
without PMSystem
06-09-2008, 01:28 PM #3
Nice Work
Excellent work Lewis, looks good, did you say you are doing this in Google Sketch? I use Autodesk inventor, but would love to drop back to something simpler, if this is the results one can get. are you going to upload your CAD files, if so, in what format.
06-09-2008, 03:28 PM #4
Thanks to both of you.
Yes I have been looking at LCD's and I am doing a simulated test fit of some common screens today.
Yup I am using google sketchup.
No, I will not be uploading these files as I am considering selling these parts on demand so at the moment only I will have a copy of this file.
I will let you know in a few hours probably what sort of price you would be looking at for a set like those in the pics.Many Thanks,
Lewis Simmons
06-09-2008, 05:23 PM #5
Plans for sale then?
I live in Alaska, North America, and wouldn't be willing to pay shipping from NZ. Would you consider selling the plans then? With a non-disclosure contract? I have a new MAZAK CNC 4 Axis Mill I would love to try out.
06-09-2008, 05:25 PM #6
Sorry change that.
It is possible so if you PM me we can have a chat about that.Many Thanks,
Lewis Simmons
06-09-2008, 07:17 PM #7
I understand & appreciate that you would like to get paid for the work you put in to make those drawings. I do hope however you will also be willing to pay whenever you need help from anyone in this forum. Many people here have supplied much more valuable information freely to everyone here and that is what makes this forum so great.
It is one thing if you want to sell parts that you made and which cost you something to produce; it is another thing to sell a drawing you made with a free program and which has no guarantees of being accurate in any way. Certainly, your time is valuable as well, but so is the time of the many forum contributors who shared their experiences and valuable information freely with others.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. Good luck with your business venture.
06-09-2008, 07:38 PM #8
The only reason I am not uploading at the moment is because the drawings are far from perfect.
They will eventually go up into the downloads section but not at this time.
I understand where you are coming from but I ask you why don't you say this to other builders around here who are building items and sharing designs here? There are many other people around here doing exactly what I am doing.
Not trying to start an argument but I think my question is as fair as yours.Many Thanks,
Lewis Simmons
06-09-2008, 07:51 PM #9
06-09-2008, 08:13 PM #10
Ok well we can end it with this.
I am trying to make as much money as I can for this sim and this is one of the ways. I am trying my hardest to get this thing right and get the dimensions right and with Boeing not letting anyone get even the width of the panel, it is really hard.
You are right, 'building' is the key word but you can't build unless you have the drawing of what it is you are making.
I have decided to put the files up once they are perfect, but it was because of a PM I received a short time ago.
Leave some time and they will go up, but please understand that I am trying to fund my project as much as possible.
In an hour or so I can tell you how much this set would sell for once I get my quote back from the local metal shop.Many Thanks,
Lewis Simmons
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