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Thread: Timer use ??

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    Timer use ??

    Hi all

    The moment i use to fly a lot with the 757 set Software.
    There we have a Clock with a Timer shown in it.
    Can that used for count the flight time that u use from A to B
    And if so , somebody able to tell me how to start and stop that Timer

    Any answers/help would be great.........


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    The chronometer is actually available as an option within the regular Boeing GC as well. However - but I could be wrong here - I don´t think it´s possible to do much with it. I haven´t found any offsets for it in the documentation, so I guess it´s just basically working as a clock.


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    Hello ,

    to bad..........

    Thanks for the answer !


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    Wait a minute folks ...

    ... since it does (partially) work !!!

    With this I mean that the PM GC timer can be started, stopped and reset via FSUIPC offsets related to project Magenta.
    Forgive me for not writing from home, with my documentation at hand.
    But it is there.

    The only flaw - in my experience - is that this timer ... works reliably only as a chronometer, that is when you have a limited elapsed time to record.

    It is not efficient enough to serve also as a flight duration timer, which is a different function of the true stuff (with which you can record the flight duration with the timing function and - without prejudice for that - switch temporary to the chronometer function, just to count a few seconds/minutes for a circling or other procedural turn, and then go back to the flight timer).

    Unless you find this info on your own with more research, I'll be back here with it soon ...
    Happy landings and always three greens !!


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    You may wanna try this ...

    I just donwloaded FSUIPC, and had a quick look at the Advanced User's Guide.

    You may wanna try to assign to an available h/w button in your setup (via FSUIPC) the Offset 2999, with parameter 62.

    It should work to start, stop and reset the timer on both PM Boeing and Airbus glass cockpits !

    Happy landings and always three greens !!


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    Quote Originally Posted by eudoniga View Post
    You may wanna try to assign to an available h/w button in your setup (via FSUIPC) the Offset 2999, with parameter 62.
    Not "offset" 2999 -- that's actually someplace in the middle of FSUIPC's programmable hotkey table. You are confusing "control numbers" and "offsets" -- there's no mention of those as offsets in the Advanced User's guide.

    For the function you refer to he only has to use the drop-down in the Buttons tab in FSUIPC options and find the one called "PM GC Controls (by Param)", select it and set the Parameter to 62.

    The numerical equivalents of the added FS controls are provided in the guide for the same reason that I publish the complete list of FS controls, relating name to number. And that is so that they can also be used directly from a program, writing to a special FSUIPC offset (3110) provided for that purpose.



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    ... ugh !!!

    Sorry, mr. Dowson !!!

    And thanks for the "fine tuning" ...

    Being no tech guy, I can't grasp the exact depth of some concepts ... but for our simmer friend the solution is - anyway - there.

    Happy landings and always three greens !!


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    Hi Peter

    Thanks a lot.........but maybe i am to stupid here.
    I did not setted there to mutch so can u please explain it here , Please
    I set up the keys tap as fellows:

    Whats in here ??
    Press set , than the Key.....
    ( Tried it with "Q" but seems not to work )

    Control sent........
    "PM GC Controls (by Param)"


    Control sent when main key.........
    What have to go in here ??

    Sorry but any help would be nice........Thanks !!

    Mario Görs

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mario Görs View Post
    Whats in here ??
    Press set , than the Key.....
    ( Tried it with "Q" but seems not to work )
    Sorry, where are you? Are you trying to program a KeyPress? Have you never used FSUIPC before?

    No one has ever had any problem with programming keypresses. Please tell me what you don't understand.

    Control sent when main key.........
    What have to go in here ??
    Sorry, you will have to explain more. I do not understand what you are asking.

    Sorry but any help would be nice.
    Please check the FSUIPC User Guide. All the help I can muster has been put into there over years, to answer everyone's questions, and no one in the 9 years of FSUIPC has ever had any problems at all with the simplest option, that of keypress assignments.

    I most certainly cannot help further without understanding what you are having problems with. It makes no sense.


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    I want to start the Timer / Clock for counting time from flight A to B.
    As i use the PM 757 Set Cockpit at the moment and in there is a analog Clock gauge with a timer in the under part.

    Exactly for that you wrote in the Post here........

    Not "offset" 2999 -- that's actually someplace in the middle of FSUIPC's programmable hotkey table. You are confusing "control numbers" and "offsets" -- there's no mention of those as offsets in the Advanced User's guide.

    For the function you refer to he only has to use the drop-down in the Buttons tab in FSUIPC options and find the one called "PM GC Controls (by Param)", select it and set the Parameter to 62.

    The numerical equivalents of the added FS controls are provided in the guide for the same reason that I publish the complete list of FS controls, relating name to number. And that is so that they can also be used directly from a program, writing to a special FSUIPC offset (3110) provided for that purpose.



    Therefor i am looking...........


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