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  1. #1
    300+ Forum Addict David Rogers's Avatar
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    Where do you fly in your pit ?

    So, you have this amazing home cockpit..... so where do you fly in it ?!

    I fly mostly on-line and up until this week, 90%+ of my flying in in Europe, usually embarking from the UK.

    I don't know whether it's ATC familiarity that leads this 'close to home' approach to flying but one thing I did notice is that, generally, the default FS2004 textures for Europe are quite poor.

    So, last night, completely out of the normal, I flew from Casblanca, Morocco, to Tunisia, on VATSIM.

    Ok, so ATC coverage was minimal to say the least but actually this flight was a real eye opener.... I realized that the default FS2004 textures for North Africa / Sahara are really, really good! (far better than most of Europe). It is also nice flying into some cities that you've never heard of and that you know little about. (I'm not referring to Tunis, but there are many great airports in Africa to fly into).

    You have some unique challenges such as few VORs (mainly NDBs but in some areas none of those either!)... and you generally have great visibility for your approaches (I mean in terms of the terrain, not the weather).

    I will be flying in Africa a lot more from now on!

    David R
    Durham, England

    1979 Mooney M20J Cockpit builder ......

  2. #2
    150+ Forum Groupie PaulEMB's Avatar
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    I got back into this madness whilst living in Lisbon - my job takes me away from home every week, so I was very used to the approaches, and scenery.
    I began to fly the legs on FS that I had flown as a pax during the week, and was amazed how closely the scenery was close to reality.
    The approach into Lisbon 03 is still one of my favorites for pretty views.

    Nowadays, my default flight starts in Madrid, where I lived for 10 years, although I also fly out of Barcelona.
    Destinations - Lisbon, Geneva, Zurich, Stuttgart, Milan MXP, Genoa - other Spanish cities.

    Unfortunately, my madness has now led me to be able to mentally work out where I am on my passenger flights, and guess which runway we will use based on the geography.

    Sad case, really.....

    Project ERJ 145

  3. #3
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    I fly scheduled service out of Paris for Air France.

    Codeshares with Austrian recently started for those trips to Innsbruck that I love so much. Those flights depart from Wien and Frankfurt.

    My favorite routes are to Innsbruck, Munich, Vienna, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Berlin, Salzberg, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Manchester, Prague, and a few others.
    Boeing Skunk Works
    Remember...140, 250, and REALLY FAST!

    We don't need no stinkin' ETOPS!

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  4. #4
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor Tomlin's Avatar
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    Oh, Paul, stoppit. It's not that bad of a disease. Come now!

    Okay, well, since I am still building and finishing off Phase I of my sim, I still fly exclusively out of KICT, Wichita International, since that is where Learjet is based. It has nice long runways and instrument approaches, and some scheduled pax service, which gives me AI for added realism. However, once I fly my 'delivery' flight in a few weeks once Phase I is complete, I will keep the Learjet at either my hometown airport KAYS, or nearby in Jacksonville, FL (far more interesting!). OH, How I wish the Flight Scenery guy would start working on new sceneries and get to KJAX as he has it listed!

    Sometimes, even though phase I isnt complete yet, I will fly out of KPVD, KPDX, or TNCM just to make sure that my PC is still handling the more complex scenery and all. December will see the delivery flight from KICT to KAYS, and then a few days later we fly:


    for our Charity Flight Event. Im sure that this will really test the sim, but that's a good thing!

    After that, I will just pick random places to fly to/from but still hangar at my hometown airport, or nearby KJAX.
    Eric Tomlin-
    Learjet 45 Builder

  5. #5
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Try to fly as much as I can on Vatsim.

    My primary airports are KSDL or CYXR, CYYZ for Departures. Either way, I hunt on Servinfo and base my plan on controlled sectors.

    What a rush. Generally my test flights are from CYXR to CYYZ back and forth!

    Trevor Hale

  6. #6
    150+ Forum Groupie PaulEMB's Avatar
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    OK, I'm not that mad!

    OK Eric,

    I admit maybe I am not so affected -

    Its great hobby - I don't "work" on my business flights - i.e. reading confidential documents, so the guy in 25B can read them, so I read novels, and I think.

    And plan!

    My next addition to the sim, how to make SA_WXR work with my hardware and FSUIPC, the solution to PM Systems and my overhead, how to?....The list is endless.

    I hope when I finally get everything sorted, I will get a bit more adventurous - I don't have a good Internet connection, but when I do, VATSIM looks like a great option.

    Project ERJ 145

  7. #7
    150+ Forum Groupie sas550's Avatar
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    I fly short hops almost always online mainly in Scandinavia and northern Europe. SAS routes mostly since my va has a great flightplanning tool.
    Regards Anders Eriksson


  8. #8
    150+ Forum Groupie luisgordo's Avatar
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    I fly mainly short range hauls between spanish cities (Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, ...) Online as much as I can (only IVAO, by the way). IVAO is better (I think) for flying in Europe, as there are more users there (more ATC coverage, and more flights), whereas for the US and Canada VATSIM may be better... not sure.
    Luis Gordo
    Instructor StationTM -

  9. #9
    300+ Forum Addict David Rogers's Avatar
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    In addition to my latest 'African Adventures', I can't believe I missed all the flying I do around Spain - I have been learning Spanish for 2 years, so when I'm feeling brave I like to do at least some of the communicating en Espanol ! My favourites for this, are Spanair flights out of LEPA, mainly onto mainland Spain or La Islas Canarias, although I sometimes take my Mallorcan passengers up to Scandinavia.

    I fly both VATSIM and IVAO, depending on the coverage available at any time. I like them both... IVAO is generally a little easier going but VATSIM provides more in terms of support, charts, groups, communities, etc.

    I am shamefully short of on-line hours in North America, a few flights in Eastern Canada around Nova Scotia and Newfie but that's about it... I'm working up to some JFK departures

    One of the most challenging thing I find about flying on-line from airports (especially large airports) that you don't know so well is the ground layout. On VATSIM, your taxi departure can be, "Taxi to holding point A1, rwy 07, via delta, Hotel, Bravo, 25, charlie, Alpha".... if you haven't prepared by printing a ground chart, it can get pretty embarrassing asking for directions

    For those that haven't flown on-line you have to try it.... I shyed away for years, then plucked up the courage and have not looked back since... It's truly amazing, multiplies realism by about 2000%, regardless of your sim set-up.

    Right - back to flight planning; Royal Air Maroc, 737-600, Casablanca to Ougadoudou in Burkina Faso....
    David R
    Durham, England

    1979 Mooney M20J Cockpit builder ......

  10. #10
    300+ Forum Addict NicD's Avatar
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    There's this wierd thing called the 'Southern Hemisphere' too. Planes can actually fly there

    If you want to fly down under for a change there is superb freeware scenery for Australia and New Zealand (and others I'm sure) that makes it a great experience:
    Nic D'Alessandro
    737NG builder (Hobart, Australia)

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