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  1. #1
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    Manual switching between two USB devices connected to one computer

    I have got to the point where I want to connect 2 USB Rudders and 2 USB Yokes in my cockpit. One set for the pilot and another for co-pilot. Does anyone know of a way to manually switch (activate one and deactivate other) from one set of controls to the other?

    No problem finding hardware for sharing USB devices between 2 computers but the suggested setup seems to have me stumped or maybe it's an age thing!


  2. #2
    Executive Assistant Geremy Britton's Avatar
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    Re: Manual switching between two USB devices connected to one computer

    I beleive this is what you need:

    Should do the trick
    Geremy Britton
    Executive Assistant, MyCockpit Inc
    Head of GLB Flight Products

  3. #3
    300+ Forum Addict Shawn's Avatar
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    Re: Manual switching between two USB devices connected to one computer

    Is there a reason why you don't want to just leave them all attached? If you are using FSUIPC to calibrate your controls you won't have to disconnect them. FSUIPC will only read input from the control showing the greatest amount of movement. I have a few identical controls axis assignments setup throught FSUIPC and haven't had any issue as long as I'm only trying to use one set of controls at a time.

  4. #4
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    Re: Manual switching between two USB devices connected to one computer

    Thanks Shawn and Geremy for the reply. I check the ebay link and if I read it properly it allows 1 USB (ie. Printer) to connect to 2 PC which won't solve my problem.

    I am using FSUIPC but having 2 individuals in cockpit at same time I was worried about inadvertent movement of the rudder or yoke by the co pilot. I will definitely give this a try but was hoping for a manual switch solution that would activate or deactivate respective controls.

    I do appreciate the suggestions.


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