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    Trevor is referring to MaxVUE from CAE Systems. The MaxVUE description is at:


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    Just to add a quick note regarding outside visualization. First of all, like Trevor said, unless you go with a collimating mirror setup, you're not going to get the 3D effect (less real otherwise). But to get the best results out of a simple screen system, the screen needs to be at least 10 to 12 feet from the pilots eyes.

    My point (I guess which really was not that quick) is, projecting on the canopy or close to it will have an awkward look and an unreal feel to it. You need the distance of the screen to fake out your brain.

    Matt O.

  3. #13
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simfloppy View Post
    Hello Trevor

    Again many thanks for your kind and detailed reply, i am really excited about this all, i look forward to your morning follow up. If i can build this, and then post videos and screen shots it will really make others want to follow, as i don't believe this kind of stuff should be for just the military. It should be in everyone's home. If you got the patience to build it then people should.

    Fairford thanks for the site, i will take a really good look at that.

    Edit: Fairford that barco system is incredible but i am looking for a screen that actually sits on the windows of a glass canopy, so the setup would be a lot smaller than that. but i truly believe could be just as immersive.

    I wonder is it possible to create a plastic see through mold of a canopy and then paint the side that you will be projecting onto with a white paint, then you wouldn't need a projection screen? I have seen projection screen paint selling on the market and it's very cheap.

    Edit: one other thing, something i forgot to mention. My brother believes what i am asking for a simulator wouldn't be possible. It's because i am trying to create a screen that is very small. That is then placed onto the glass canopy. So already your limiting yourself from say the huge projection screen of say 100+ inches curved. And for that my brother believes the sense of depth would be horrible. As my eyes inside a projected canopy would be about 1-2 feet from a tiny screen and it would be nothing more than looking at a 19 inch monitor, for the front and a 19 inch monitor to the left and right. This is why i thought of using shutter glasses to increase the feeling of depth. I am no pro in this. But i explained to my brother, that this kind of cockpit would be far more immersive than creating just a rear projected curved screen with 100-120 degrees field of view. One other thing i explained was that when you sit inside a car, you look beyond a dashboard through the glass window which is about two feet from your eyes. Then you see the outside world around you. Now i told my brother this is the same thing. You have a screen on each sides of the canopy and then using shutter glasses it would make your eyes adjust to focus beyond infinity, thus creating major depth into the distance. But he said we see the outside world beyond the window and not on the window. Which is why he believes by having a curved screen on a stand outside the cockpit is more real. But i believe still that having the screen built on the canopy glass is far more immersive. What do you think? He said if my idea was so good the military would be using them instead of HMD's, that are nowhere near the full human visual field of view. And the ones that are close, costs far more than a projector setup and can still give you motion sickness. He also said that my idea would give you motion sickness and eyestrain, is this all true.

    Edit: Anyone got a link for the maxview? I cannot find it anywhere.

    Edit: For my first time i don't plan on building all the flight instrumentals, all i am looking for is a a force feedback joystick, thruster and pedals. something like this at the top of the page, or something similar and cheaper, then i plan to build around this a wooden frame to make it more closed. Then add a canopy that looks like this one, the second picture i would remove that black line you see coming across the bottom horizontally and then have 4 rear projectors beaming onto it.

    Will that be total immersion?
    I am heading to the dentist but should be able to catch up with you shortly. Sorry you are right MaxVue is how it is spelled, My Bad!

    As for looking through the glass, I installed plexi windows in my sim for that reason, the screen farther away and looking through the window to (infinity) is a must. I wouldn't run my sim without the windows in place, it acts as a beam splitter giving you that little extra reality.

    Your going to have to play with a projector and a setup to see if this is going to work the way you want it to.

    I will catch up with you soon.

    Trevor Hale

  4. #14
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Ok lets recap.

    Most simulator builders will spend hundreds of hours surfing the net until you find something that resembles what you want to do. It is not an easy task, but you will have to walk before you run. and yu can assemble all the ideas and combine them into your project.

    Take this one step at a time. I can't answer all your questions at once.. They will be answered in time, the idea here is just to get you the basics so we can build on that. First find something that you can start to copy, and make your own modifications as you progress. In my simulator as long as I can't see anything out the windows but the projected image, I feel like I am really flying. Once I can see a wall or a wire or something out side of the cockpit, it ruins the experience.

    You are going to spend a lot of time experimenting with mirrors, projection screens, and projectors until you can get something that works to your satisfaction. we are faced with many challenges in sim pit building, and the most important thing to remember is never get discouraged. It will NOT work the first time. persistence is rewarding.

    Let me know where you want to go with this next, as I am a little lost at this point as to where you are and what you still want to learn about.

    Trevor Hale

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    Hi Guys,

    Many thanks for all the helpful replies

    You especially Trevor thanks for the awesome info.

    I have felt a little bit disappointed now as like Matt Olieman said you need the screen positioned 10 to 12 feet away.

    The thing is, that link that Fairford gave of the Barco dome, when sitting in there you wouldn't be 10 to 12 feet away from the screen as from the picture on the Barco site it seems like your only like a feet or two away.

    The problem is my brother wants to just get 1 720p projector and use it to do rear projection to a 100 inch screen that's built on a curved projection frame. He believes he can get about 120-140 degrees field of view. He wants to sit about 2 to 4 feet from the screen. He doesn't want to use a cockpit, but instead a table with a force feedback joystick.

    The problem with the above setup, would be that you would still feel that your inside your room, because your perhiperal vision would be able to see outide the area of the curved screen. You would see your table, cables, and the immersive just won't be there. Sure you have a great big screen that's immersive but your just not totally immersed.

    But then my setup was to make the canopy the screen, but again looking ahead towards the canopy from inside the cockpit the screen would be about 2 feet from me. But then looking to my left and right and ceiling i would be about 0.5 feet to 1 feet away and that's where my brother says from that fact that your so close to the screen your eyes can't adjust and update to that kind of environment and you would get motion sickness and eyestrain.

    But i wonder still if this is true, as i used to play around with shutterglasses on a 20 inch CRT monitor. When i would bring my eyes right up to the monitor, about a few inches away. I could see the game world extend off into the distance and it was so immersive, that i always wished that the CRT monitor was like 100 inches curved.

    Even when i bring my eyes close to a 20 inch monitor. Without using shutterglasses the effect is also so immersive. But my brother said that if you were to project onto a canopy. In the way that i'm saying, then the imserviness would be incredible, but only for a few minutes as your eyes just wouldn't be able take anymore as you would get motion sickness. He said that's why the HMD's from the late 80's early 90's period would utilise this similar technique, which is why everyone would get eystrain and motion sickness.

    Another thing, my brother says the barco dome uses anamorphic lenses and they cost about $6500 and you need one for each projector and there's five in that setup. But Sol7 can do similar effects very close to that setup on a great budget but the immersive factor wouldn't be as high as that.

    Another thing, if i was to project onto a canopy then because the screen is on the canopy then it's possible that my eyes from being that close may actually harm your eyes after long periods of time, is that true?

    I wondred if the projector was used without mirrors as that way there would be a long throw distance. Which means your eyes wouldn't be too close from the actual beam. But then the brightness of the projector would be lost and you need a lot of brightness for the picture to be high quality. So using a mirror for a short throw from the projector would give you very high brightness. But really brightness should only be an inssue when planning to beam to a huge curved screen. The fact that i want to beam to a canopy, which if you were to measure it up it would come to no more than 40 inches. So then that would mean the projector could be far away. Then the brightness wouldn't hurt my eyes.

    One last thing, from the link i gave in my previous post of that merlin flight simulator. The canopy shown in the second picture. From the shape of it, it seems i could just use 2 projectors, wouldn't you agree? As i could use sol7 to warp the image to one half (from the center of the ceiling down to the side) and do this for each side, would that be possible?

    The problem with all this is why my brother said no body has done it yet. Because you need mathematical algorthims to be made to line it up, just right because your so close to the screen, to not get eye strain or motion sickness. The distortion and depth has to be mathematically aligned. Is this true?

    Sorry for all the questions once again

    any help much appreciated from you guys

    Many thanks

  6. #16
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Alright, Here we go, and we will try to answer these questions a little better this time.


    Quote Originally Posted by simfloppy View Post
    Hi Guys,

    Many thanks for all the helpful replies

    You especially Trevor thanks for the awesome info.

    I have felt a little bit disappointed now as like Matt Olieman said you need the screen positioned 10 to 12 feet away.

    You don't need to do this, however based on some peoples trial and error they have found that they like this approach. Brian Williams has just recently posted in the photo gallery his projected images on walls that are at a distance like Matt suggests. However, sitting in my simulator I have found that a single curved screen extending past my windscreen at about 2 feet from the window at the top of the windscreen and almost touching the bottom of the windscreen creates the right feeling for me.

    The thing is, that link that Fairford gave of the Barco dome, when sitting in there you wouldn't be 10 to 12 feet away from the screen as from the picture on the Barco site it seems like your only like a feet or two away.

    I really thought this was a nice idea, however I am afraid that this is almost cost prohibitive for the home user.

    The problem is my brother wants to just get 1 720p projector and use it to do rear projection to a 100 inch screen that's built on a curved projection frame. He believes he can get about 120-140 degrees field of view. He wants to sit about 2 to 4 feet from the screen.

    This is what I do and I love it. And he is right I have around 120 degrees of forward view.

    He doesn't want to use a cockpit, but instead a table with a force feedback joystick.

    In my personal opinion what is the point in doing this if your still going to use a joystick on a table.

    The problem with the above setup, would be that you would still feel that your inside your room, because your perhiperal vision would be able to see outide the area of the curved screen. You would see your table, cables, and the immersive just won't be there. Sure you have a great big screen that's immersive but your just not totally immersed.

    This is the issue I was talking about in a previous post. This is the perfect example of why I built a cockpit shell around me. and blacked out the side windows so that when I look out of my windshield all I see is 100% projected image. You could still use this method with your fighter canopy (F-18 style) by blacking out the rear canopy so that when you look out of the canopy you too can only see the projected image on your brother curved screen, you just need to be sure that the screen is close enough to the front of your sim so that sitting in a natural flying position you can't see the screen edges.

    But then my setup was to make the canopy the screen, but again looking ahead towards the canopy from inside the cockpit the screen would be about 2 feet from me. But then looking to my left and right and ceiling i would be about 0.5 feet to 1 feet away and that's where my brother says from that fact that your so close to the screen your eyes can't adjust and update to that kind of environment and you would get motion sickness and eyestrain.

    I got news for you, I get motion sickness in my sim all the time when you roll the aircraft too fast or do to jittery moves. (this is great for visitors) because they truly feel that they are flying. If you have good projectors your refresh rate should be good, and you shouldn't have any distortion. All I can say is once again... Take one projector paint some plexi transparent white put it over your head, and TRY IT. If you try many screens or paints and you still don't get the right result, that your looking for then switch to your brothers suggestion.

    But i wonder still if this is true, as i used to play around with shutterglasses on a 20 inch CRT monitor. When i would bring my eyes right up to the monitor, about a few inches away. I could see the game world extend off into the distance and it was so immersive, that i always wished that the CRT monitor was like 100 inches curved.

    Curved projection screens rock, as the image rolls off of them it enhances the feeling of motion. Sorry to say but curving your screen is the only way to go. Once someone moves from a flat projection screen to a curved one, I assure you they never go back.

    Even when i bring my eyes close to a 20 inch monitor. Without using shutterglasses the effect is also so immersive. But my brother said that if you were to project onto a canopy. In the way that i'm saying, then the imserviness would be incredible, but only for a few minutes as your eyes just wouldn't be able take anymore as you would get motion sickness. He said that's why the HMD's from the late 80's early 90's period would utilise this similar technique, which is why everyone would get eystrain and motion sickness.

    I dont suggest you keep your face that close to a crt monitor for long, the scan rate of the monitor will mess your head up. Didn't you parents ever tell you that if you sit to close to the tv your eyes will go square lol

    Another thing, my brother says the barco dome uses anamorphic lenses and they cost about $6500 and you need one for each projector and there's five in that setup. But Sol7 can do similar effects very close to that setup on a great budget but the immersive factor wouldn't be as high as that.

    Project magenta sells collimated displays for cheaper then that. do a search on that topic and you will see how that all works. Basically your turning a 19" monitor into 100" but the 3D image is incredible.

    Another thing, if i was to project onto a canopy then because the screen is on the canopy then it's possible that my eyes from being that close may actually harm your eyes after long periods of time, is that true?

    Depends on how good of a picture you have, but honestly depending on how close the canopy is to the top of your head, you may find this partially true. You know you could even go with a square canopy and shoot a projector at each surface. Solves all your problems of aligning things up and will give you total immersion.

    I wondred if the projector was used without mirrors as that way there would be a long throw distance. Which means your eyes wouldn't be too close from the actual beam.

    the issue has nothing to do with the mirrors or your eyes being too close to the beam, it has to do with refresh rates and your eyes adjusting.

    to sample this goto grand and toy (office depot) and pick up an 8 dollar Fresnel lens (magnifying glass sheet) tape it to the bottom of a box placed about 10 inches from your monitor with the box surrounding the front of the monitor. When you look into it it strains your eyes a bit until you get used to it, however after about 5 minutes your eyes adjust and everything is great. Then quit playing the game and walk around the room, your eyes are screwed for about 10 minutes afterwards. (your eyes are not close to any beams) it is just the effect of the magnifying object your looking through.

    But then the brightness of the projector would be lost and you need a lot of brightness for the picture to be high quality. So using a mirror for a short throw from the projector would give you very high brightness. But really brightness should only be an inssue when planning to beam to a huge curved screen. The fact that i want to beam to a canopy, which if you were to measure it up it would come to no more than 40 inches. So then that would mean the projector could be far away. Then the brightness wouldn't hurt my eyes.

    Again it is not the brightness that hurts your eyes it is the distorted image, which by using tools similar to that of SOL7 you may not have an issue with this.

    One last thing, from the link i gave in my previous post of that merlin flight simulator. The canopy hown in the second picture. From the shape of it, it seems i could just use 2 projectors, wouldn't you agree? As i could use sol7 to warp the image to one half (from the center of the ceiling down to the side) and do this for each side, would that be possible?

    This is what i suggested in my first post to you. reduce the number of projectors to 3 one in front and one on each side, and warp 1/2 of the canopy with the left side projector and the same thing on the right side.
    This is how I would accomplish this if it was me. and I would project directly onto the canopy by painting the canopy with a transparent paint. But again, I would try it and if it didn't work then I would keep trying new ideas until I had something I was happy with.

    This is not a 10 minute project it will probably take years to perfect, but none the less if you having fun and enjoying the hobby then who cares.

    The problem with all this is why my brother said no body has done it yet. Because you need mathematical algorthims to be made to line it up, just right because your so close to the screen, to not get eye strain or motion sickness. The distortion and depth has to be mathematically aligned. Is this true?

    SOL7 has already proven that this is untrue. check there website, I am sure I saw pictures of a PROJECTION Dome there somewhere. Line each projector up using the grid and your golden.

    Sorry for all the questions once again

    any help much appreciated from you guys

    Many thanks
    And thats all she wrote. I can't imagine your going to get any firther with more questions. Much of this hobby is trial and error. No guarentees here, however in theory this should work, I do not claim any responsibility if your eyes fall out of your head, or if it doesn't work, I am just saying. Test each little bit and move forward bit by bit and see if what you are doing works.

    Best regards,

    Trevor Hale

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    Hello Trevor,

    Again many, many thanks for getting back to me, it has been really very helpful. I just got two last questions before i plan to do all the reading and building i can.

    in the last post you wrote

    'This is what i suggested in my first post to you. reduce the number of projectors to 3 one in front and one on each side, and warp 1/2 of the canopy with the left side projector and the same thing on the right side.'

    I was wondering if it's possible to warp 1/2 of each sides canopy. using 2 of the projectors but not using a third for the front? So instead of a projector on the front, you use sol7 to warp the left side to cover the front half as well and you do the same with the other projector. So just 2 projectors in total, is that possible?

    Lastly, do you know of any cockpits like i am describing with the projection being beamed right on the canopy? I have not seen any, anywhere.

    Many thanks in advance

  8. #18
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    I can answer these easy.. see below.

    Quote Originally Posted by simfloppy View Post
    Hello Trevor,

    Again many, many thanks for getting back to me, it has been really very helpful. I just got two last questions before i plan to do all the reading and building i can.

    in the last post you wrote

    'This is what i suggested in my first post to you. reduce the number of projectors to 3 one in front and one on each side, and warp 1/2 of the canopy with the left side projector and the same thing on the right side.'

    I was wondering if it's possible to warp 1/2 of each sides canopy. using 2 of the projectors but not using a third for the front? So instead of a projector on the front, you use sol7 to warp the left side to cover the front half as well and you do the same with the other projector. So just 2 projectors in total, is that possible?

    The answer to this is there is only one way to do this but it would really look silly. If you used a Matrox duel head to go and essentially split the front view of your flight simulator to a left and right projection, you would be flying straight and on your canopy it would look like you were flying sideways.

    The only way do do this is left view on the left side of the canopy, right view on the right side of the canopy and front view on the front of the canopy.

    see side views (left) images run from right side of the screen to the left side of the screen (RIGHT) the image runs from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen, and (Front) the image runs off the lefft side and right side of the screen proportionally.

    Do you understand how the image would not look right having only a left and a right side, you would never see the runway when you were landing for starters.

    Lastly, do you know of any cockpits like i am describing with the projection being beamed right on the canopy? I have not seen any, anywhere.

    I have not seen this I have done this I have tightly stretched different materials over my plexi glass windows and had a decent result. I personally get more of a 3D feeling when the material is about a foot off the plexi so I am looking through the plexi to the image (into infinity). Thus the reason I am telling you it is possible.

    Many thanks in advance

    Hope this helps.

    Trevor Hale

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    Hi trevor,

    Many thanks for getting back to me

    Again sorry for all the questions, when i think they've all been answered and i go and do some research then i have all sorts of questions running through my mind. I hope you can please answer these. Many thanks

    I plan on making some mock ups of my simulator plans. Should i go then for 3x 1024x768 those are 4:3 ratio projectors right?

    Does it matter if the projector can do both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio?

    Do you know which projectors are good for this?

    The reason i ask for the projectors to do both aspect ratios is because sometimes i just want to disconnect the projectors and point them to a front projection screen for watching 3d movies.

    As i am going with 3 projectors, i only need then 1 computer, 1X TH2GO, 1x SOL7 software, am i correct in thinking that i don't need another computer and i don't need wideview as i am only going for the 3 projector setup?

    Do you know where i can have a plastic canopy made?

    I did some searches for plastic molding and injection molding but i couldn't really find anything. I wonder if it's possible to start by just getting a projection screen and wrapping it around some supports. And if all works then go to get a canopy made?

    I take it that i don't need mirrors for my setup?

    One thing i am a little confused with

    As i plan on making one seamless cockpit canopy with no borders. You know on a harriers cockpit, you have like window panes. Like the window is separated by the metal frames where the glass fits into. So you have one glass and then one in front and another to the right. Well maybe a harrier is not quite like that but other fighter planes are. Well what i am having a hard time understanding is when you use the 3 projectors to beam onto the canopy then wouldn't each flight sims plane being chosen within the game have to be reconfigured using sol7?
    Because every planes cockpit is different and you would get distortion and a messed up picture, you wouldn't know where your looking at. Which is why an HMD is better suited for this, but then they cost hundreds of thousands for the very best ones that still don't offer total immersion.

    My brother said that the military have most definitely tried my idea and probably doesn't work very well which is the reason you don't see anyone making one and which is why they went with the dome idea.

    I thought if i wasn't to create a canopy, but instead build a metal frame which 4 projection screens could be slotted into. Then i use three projectors. One for the front and the other two for the left and right sides. Then use sol7 to warp 1/2 of the sides to half of the ceiling on each side like you said. But then i wonder if your going to do that, then the projector will be beamed onto the metal frame as well, from inside the cockpit you wouldn't see what was being projected as it hits the metal framing and then the rest of the picture would continue on to the other frame. That's like real life isn't it?
    But again for each game there will be problems with the perception. and it would have to be manually reconfigured. Is that right?

    One other thing, my brother wants to do the rear projection setup with a curved screen, but he wants to use sol7. You said you don't use sol7 so is there any point for my brother to use it as well? As he's not even going to build a cockpit whereas i am going to.

    You are rear projecting as well right?

    I saw this helicopter simulator. Where it had a helicopter cockpit and underneath there was a single projector placed on the floor projecting about a meter away, to a curved projection screen. I didn't notice any shadows on the screen being projecting from the cockpit, is this a good setup or should you always do rear projection for cockpit simulations.

    I hope to hear from you

    Many many thanks

  10. #20
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simfloppy View Post
    Hi trevor,

    Many thanks for getting back to me

    Again sorry for all the questions, when i think they've all been answered and i go and do some research then i have all sorts of questions running through my mind. I hope you can please answer these. Many thanks

    I plan on making some mock ups of my simulator plans. Should i go then for 3x 1024x768 those are 4:3 ratio projectors right?

    Those are 4:3 ratio, You really are going to have to find the projector that fits your budget and your purpose. I am running a Optoma EP739 and am very happy with the result.

    Does it matter if the projector can do both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio?

    This makes no difference

    Do you know which projectors are good for this?

    You need to see what fits your budget, and purpose.

    The reason i ask for the projectors to do both aspect ratios is because sometimes i just want to disconnect the projectors and point them to a front projection screen for watching 3d movies.

    As i am going with 3 projectors, i only need then 1 computer, 1X TH2GO, 1x SOL7 software, am i correct in thinking that i don't need another computer and i don't need wideview as i am only going for the 3 projector setup?

    So far so good, except for the SOL7 software has not be released for use with Tripple Head to go compatibility yet, it is still in Alpha stages. And if I am not mistaken you will require 3 licenses one for each projector.

    Do you know where i can have a plastic canopy made?

    I have no idea. Depends where you live and the companies around you.

    I did some searches for plastic molding and injection molding but i couldn't really find anything. I wonder if it's possible to start by just getting a projection screen and wrapping it around some supports. And if all works then go to get a canopy made?

    Its all about trial and error. This would be your best bet.

    I take it that i don't need mirrors for my setup?

    Depending on your room size you may. It all depends on how far away from the screen your going to place your projectors and how big an image your going to need.

    One thing i am a little confused with

    As i plan on making one seamless cockpit canopy with no borders. You know on a harriers cockpit, you have like window panes. Like the window is separated by the metal frames where the glass fits into. So you have one glass and then one in front and another to the right. Well maybe a harrier is not quite like that but other fighter planes are. Well what i am having a hard time understanding is when you use the 3 projectors to beam onto the canopy then wouldn't each flight sims plane being chosen within the game have to be reconfigured using sol7?

    I have absolutely no idea what your talking about, however SOL7 is configured and run under the windows environment if I am not mistaken, so anything that is displayed on that computer whether it be windows, internet explorer, or a racing game, it will conform to the warping by sol7

    Because every planes cockpit is different and you would get distortion and a messed up picture, you wouldn't know where your looking at. Which is why an HMD is better suited for this, but then they cost hundreds of thousands for the very best ones that still don't offer total immersion.

    My brother said that the military have most definitely tried my idea and probably doesn't work very well which is the reason you don't see anyone making one and which is why they went with the dome idea.

    I am beginning to see a pattern here. I am not looking to argue this fact. I do not know if it works, I do not know if it will work, I am just saying that in theory it should. weather you will get the same result from trying this as you would from a multi million dollar dome, i highly doubt it.

    I thought if i wasn't to create a canopy, but instead build a metal frame which 4 projection screens could be slotted into. Then i use three projectors. One for the front and the other two for the left and right sides. Then use sol7 to warp 1/2 of the sides to half of the ceiling on each side like you said. But then i wonder if your going to do that, then the projector will be beamed onto the metal frame as well, from inside the cockpit you wouldn't see what was being projected as it hits the metal framing and then the rest of the picture would continue on to the other frame. That's like real life isn't it?
    But again for each game there will be problems with the perception. and it would have to be manually reconfigured. Is that right?

    Whatever your trying to accomplish with this, the setup you are trying to create is going to cost you thousands of dollars. and if your going to be spending thousands of dollars, your going to have to spend some time exparimenting. I do not know what your results are going to be. I was just trying to help you, I cannot design what you should be building, I doubt that you will find any resources as to how you can do this.

    you will just have to try some things.

    One other thing, my brother wants to do the rear projection setup with a curved screen, but he wants to use sol7. You said you don't use sol7 so is there any point for my brother to use it as well? As he's not even going to build a cockpit whereas i am going to.

    I cannot answer this question as I haven't tried the software, I would imagine that the software would increase my picture quality, and decrease my distortion.

    You are rear projecting as well right?


    I saw this helicopter simulator. Where it had a helicopter cockpit and underneath there was a single projector placed on the floor projecting about a meter away, to a curved projection screen. I didn't notice any shadows on the screen being projecting from the cockpit, is this a good setup or should you always do rear projection for cockpit simulations.

    To each is there own. Everyone has to try what works best in the environment they are in. If I had the space and ceiling height, I would be using Front projection.

    I hope to hear from you

    Many many thanks
    I think by now you should have enough information to do your research and testing.

    Best regards,

    Trevor Hale

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