• Matt Olieman

    Published on 01-01-2006 03:59 PM

    MyCockpit Featured Builder
    Ian Cameron Boeing 767

    IFSBI: Would you care to first give us a brief introduction about Ian Cameron?

    Ian: I am 59 years "young", retired, and married with two adult son's who no longer live at home. I live 14 km from Hobart, which is the capital city of Tasmania the island state of Australia just South of the mainland. Without going into detail my working life included electrical engineering, airline flying and computing making the simulator an obvious retirement project for me. I have used and enjoyed most pc simulators since ...
    Published on 12-01-2005 03:59 PM

    MyCockpit Feature Builder
    Ray Sotkiewicz Boeing 777

    IFSBI: Where is your sim located, town, country, wife's spare bedroom?

    Ray: Right now she resides in Seattle, WA, down in the basement in the "Sim Room". This is the one room in the house where I can completely be myself, be as messy as I need to be and just have fun. From the beginning I intended the sim to be somewhat portable. This portability concept presented some unique ...