• Matt Olieman

    Published on 08-01-2006 02:59 PM

    MyCockpit Featured Builder
    Steve Becker Boeing 777

    IFSBI: Would you care to first give us a brief introduction about Steve Becker?

    Steve: I'm 45 years old, and have a wife and 3 boys; two of my sons are in college and one is finishing his last year in high school. I live in Southern California, USA. My daytime job is running Technical and Customer Training for a large US-based medical device company. My three passions, flying, computers and training, seem to come together nicely in the hobby (or obsession) of flight simulation.

    I started in Flight Simulation with SubLogic Flight Simulator on an Apple IIe, and have been hooked ever since. I remember how cool a few blue dots were, and how "realistic" it felt to taxi around Meigs Field at night. Since those early days, I've purchased every edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator
    Published on 05-01-2006 02:59 PM

    MyCockpit Featured Builder
    Darren Sugden Airbus A320

    IFSBI: Would you care to first give us a brief introduction about Darren Sugden?

    Darren: I am 38 years of age and live in Hull which is a large city on the east coast of England. I live with my partner, Michelle, and have no children (enables more funds for the cockpit). I am a teacher of business studies in a large comprehensive school (ages 11-16). Before that I was a lecturer in Economics at Lincoln University for 10 years.

    Funnily enough I cannot remember exactly ...