• Matt Olieman

    Published on 05-10-2011 02:33 AM  Number of Views: 1490 

    Attachment 5143Project Magenta's New Website

    After years of more or less the same when it comes to our web presence, we rolled out the new Project Magenta website. It will allow our professional and private customers to have a lot more access to documentation, software updates and tools to find the information they need.

    Being based on a modern and reliable system which has a vast array of potentially useful plugins and allows for some custom development that we have in mind, it should prove to be a very useful resource for everyone involved.

    So whether you are a customer or just browsing, please register as a user on our website. We will be adding notifications about new features as our website grows step by step.

    Visit Project Magenta's New Website: www.projectmagenta.com
    Published on 04-21-2011 07:50 AM

    NTHUSIM 3.0 is here
    That makes it one year since we publicly launched NTHUSIM!

    Clearly this means we have to launch the next generation of NTHUSIM today.

    So what's new with this fancy NTHUSIM version then anyway?

    1. A little thing called edge blending.
    2. A big thing called new user interface.
    3. A simple thing called a new configuration style.
    4. A great thing that lets you choose which display is projected
    5. The usual dose of fixes and improvements!

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