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View Full Version : 737NG-800 Builder

08-05-2007, 06:37 AM
Hi everybody,

My name is Juan Vicente, i'm from SPAIN, and i'm a 737NG cockpit builder.

I start my project 2 years ago and that's what ive done untol today:

I'm using Flyengravity panels kit, CPFLIGHT MCP+EFIS. The cokpit Base and Shell are home and hand made, folowing all measurment found around the net and hundres of hours of hard work.

I planned to use the full suite of CPFLIGHT modules, including MIP737 , and hopping that in the near future a OVERHEAD737 IO board from CPFLIGHT to be available. Flight Illusion gauges will be used too, and Lausitzaviation pedestal case are in mind (or maybe cockpitsonic also).

Waitting for Flyengravity Column Yoke to be available (price...ans release date).

737 Throttle quadrant choice are between cockpitsonic and Symulatory.

Seats will be probably home made, and rudder set could be from Goflight.

Overhead will for sure be from Flyengravity (the best ever expensive but good choice). FMS of course will be from Flyengravity too.

For the sofware, PM is the choice iv¡e made, but for the moment PMDG 737 for FS9 will be used until the overhead implementation is done (the las part to be done). And waitting for PMDG 737NGX features and details for public or non public Offsets for the overhead and more.

Well, i think i've introcuced my self a little, and hope you all enjoy with my project like i do.

This is my web project. Still all in spanish, but don't worry, all the pictures talk by them selves. Next week an web update will be done with the latest progress done the las few weeks:



737NG-800 ATD

Matt Olieman
08-05-2007, 09:24 AM
Juan, welcome aboard. Looks like you're on to a fantastic start.

Thanks with sharing your project with us. I look forward toward your interactions here :)

08-05-2007, 03:49 PM

Your project sounds promising, look forward to watching ure progress...
