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02-20-2007, 03:31 PM
I could use some help ;-)

I will try to get some movement on my flightdeck. It is based on a suspension system allowing minor movement.
So wat I want to simulate is not the bank or pitch movement but simply the little movements that you can feel during flight.

To obtain this, I have fixed two electical actuators on the back side of the flightdeck, they can move about 5 cm up and down.
So now I need to make a controll that will randomly activate the actuators but after each movement they have to come back to the neutral position.

Possible for this is, as the two actuators will have a separate controll, that actuator 1 goes up, back to neutral and down and back to neutral, every 6 seconds and actuator 2 does the same but every 4 seconds. This will create the desired movement.

The two actuators are 12DC.

In a further stadium, I would make the movement start in combination with the offset 'fs in the air' and make it stop with 'of on ground'

I need to find someone who could help me make the electronic controlls, so all help or suggestions welcome !

02-20-2007, 05:12 PM

Did you have a look at http://www.classicflight.co.uk/ ?


02-20-2007, 06:15 PM
Thanks for the link Herman, but in fact wat I want to make should be simpler, I don't need FS data, just some kind of controller that keeps repeating a few actions, like +12vdc for 1 second, then -12vdc for 1 second then 6 seconds nothing and then again the +12vdc for 1 second ... and so on

02-20-2007, 06:47 PM
What is the source of the movements then ? Do you want to have a sound based movement ? In that case a 3 or 4 channel light mixer might be of interest as a starting point. But if you are looking for an advanced vibration sensation a "butt kicker" or "body shaker" might be easier to use (http://www.fscockpit.com/Vibrationsystem.html).

05-08-2007, 04:04 PM
How is it going with the 'shake and quake'? Did you get the kind of movement that you wanted?

05-10-2007, 03:09 PM

Well, in fact I have decided to leave it the way it is. I did some testing but there was no plusvalue. The bass shakers are actually doing more then enough.
Something for my next project ;-)