View Full Version : PSOne LCD Power Supply Alternatives?

Brad Heller
02-12-2007, 10:25 AM
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to know if anyone has powered their PSone LCD units off a
substitute power supply. The reason I ask is because I just purchased a second
hand unit and it didn't come with a power supply enclosed.

Would appreciate any help, dying to see if this thing works!

Kind Regards,
Brad Heller.

Frans Mosmans
02-12-2007, 10:25 AM
7,5 volt is needed to power up your psone screen.

Assum every basic adaptor that can handle that volt would do the trick
otherwise check ebay.. you can find there as well powersuplies for the psone


Frans M

Brad Heller
02-12-2007, 10:25 AM
I was more interested if anyone has used a modified pc supply to power


Anders Eriksson
02-12-2007, 10:25 AM
I've used an adaptor with optional volt settings and it's no probbs. Since
there's 5 and 12 volts from the pc psu u need to take the volts up/down to
7.5. If u know how to do that there's no problem. At the moment I'm using a
12v car adator and also 5v for the cdu backlight connected to the psu.

Regards Anders Eriksson
