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View Full Version : phidgets/FSX

Mr. Midnight
12-22-2006, 07:36 PM
Hello folks out there im kind of lost here , i have both 16/16 and 8/8/8.
i have the interface up in front of me and it is showing that im connected to the flightsim , it shows the fsuipc version which is 4.06 but the flightsim version shows ?????.
and also how do i get it to reconize what i believe is supposed do be some kind of ini file where do i get that file .
i believe they are the offset variables from fsx or pete dowson.

Can someone help........Thanks......Robert

12-22-2006, 08:14 PM
Provision was made to handle 3 future releases at the time fs2phidgets was released. Of course, at the time I had no idea what Microsoft was going to name their future version.

I am releasing newer version that will display FSX instead of ?????

Coconut Airlines

12-23-2006, 11:21 AM
ini Files containing FSUIPC offsets should have been installed into FS Variable sub folder of you fs2phidget folder.
Files will be named something like FS2PhUIPC401.ini

Does interface program show your 16/16 and 8/8/8 cards ?

You can play around with virtual Phidgetcards by pressing appropriate button.

The FS file tab on Phidget component row has drop that should be populated with ini file(s).

Oh, and the manual should have been loaded into your fs2phhidget folder.

The manual will go away with next release. FS2Phidgets will have Help on menu and context senstive help to provide How-to's for things like calibration, etc.


Mr. Midnight
12-26-2006, 08:58 AM
Thanks for the help , i got it working , now the other problem or question is that can i get an encoder to work on the 8/8, im wanting to turn an encoder and the radio freq. will change in the 737 radio in the sim.
i can see where you can drive a display , but im just wanting to turn a physical knob and the radio in the sim will change to whatever freq. i need is that possible.


12-26-2006, 10:40 AM
Is your encoder a Phidget Encoder, or is it rotary potentiometer ?