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View Full Version : VRS rotory issue for AUTOBRAKE /737

02-03-2005, 03:35 PM
Hi Alan,
I was reading the earlier thread on how you helped out someone who had an issue with his rotory selector for his Wiper -Off-Lo/Hi.
I am also having the same issue trying to work my AUTOBRAKE from RTO/OFF/1/2/MAX.
I tried everything possible and even copied what you had done except list each entry title a bit different and all it does is keep going back and forth.
Grnd is center on the switch and I am using #1 2 3 4 in order on the switch.
I did use an Ohm meter and determined that every turn does make contact and breaks from the last postion.

"0" on the 0/8/8 input is being used for my landing gear handle,
so Im using these inputs...Are these the "Value #'s"??? that are part of the equation? or is it just a number to keep things in order.


Exactly how I have it now....

OnValue= 1
OnValue= 2
OnValue= 3

I need 2 more settings for the rest of this control but first I am trying to figure this out :o

Kind regards

02-03-2005, 05:52 PM

One sends (reads) and receives (writes) VALUES to and from an OFFSET.
Those values have meaning to MS-Flight Simulator.
FS2Phidget takes care of reading and writing these values to and from FS.
We have to specify what values we are going to read and write.
That's what FS2PhUIPC.ini file does.

For instance,
Elevator yoke use VALUES in range –16383 to +16383, with 16383 being when you've got yoke right in your crotch and –16383 when yoke is against instrument panel.

Obviously something like an Autobrake switch needs only 6 values.
What are those values, you ask ?

Peter Dowson, of FSUIPC spent years documenting each and every Offset.
He's still going at it!
Get hold of "FSUIPC for Programmers.doc" - available from FSUIPC SDK.
Link to Peter Dowson's web site is on this web site.

Looking through documenation and looking up OFSSET 2F80 we read:

Now think of each position of your rotary switch as a SINGLE Toggle switch.
You have 4 individual toggle switches.

Each switch has an OFF position and an ON position.
Switches are funny like that. One of those weird switch things.
Something only a switch psychologist could explain.

Welcome to the exciting world of Digital input and output.
Digital = Binary = ON an OFF.
You're starting to get my drift.

Now ask yourself.
What VALUE do I want to send FS when switch goes to OFF ?
What VALUE do I want to send FS to when switch goes to ON ?

Set up your INI file accordingly.

I could go ahead and just give values to you, but its good for pilots to get homwework assignments now and again.
Keeps em on their toes.
Isn't that right, Marc ?


02-03-2005, 06:12 PM

Every sim builder should have Toolkit for experimenting.

I have Toolkit that has:

Interfacekit with
3-position toggle
2-position toggle
2 position momentary
Rotary Potentiometer
Slider Potentiometer

A rotary encoder and Phidgetservo with servo attached.

I use Toolkit to experiment with.
We should get PhidgetsUSA to make up sets for us Sim Builders.

Never leave home without my Toolkit!
I do get weird looks when I play with them on long coast-to-coast flights.
One of these days I'm going to end up having heart-to-heart chat
with an Air Marshall if I'm not careful :)
Also allows me play around in evenings in hotel room.


02-04-2005, 03:12 AM
Thankyou for the explanation on this issue.I was getting confused with the 0/8/8
numbers on the board with what I thought should be the offset number corrisponding to the command.So those numbers on the board just lets you know what line your setting up in the software.
Its starting to sink in now... :o
I have changed those offset values so many times...I felt that I tried that combination that your explaining but then again mabe I missed it.
I'll kill another evening going at it again tonight.
Its fun but can be a bit frustrating.

If pilots had to worry about wiring up their switches in their aircraft...imagine that?
I will let you know when and if the outcome is
James :)

02-04-2005, 06:32 AM

All the pilots I know, including myself, that are building sims have not had problem wiring up switches.
If a pilot could not grasp concepts around a switch how would they be able to plan a cross country flight through busy airspaces in a complex aircraft and then execute that plan.
But pilots have big egos.
Isn't that right, Marc ? :)

02-04-2005, 08:11 AM
Your right Alan,
I saw that one coming.. :) LOL

Does this make more sense...

Looking through documenation and looking up OFSSET 2F80 we read:

(AUTOBRAKE_SWITCH) <-------- is this still needed ?
(AUTOBRAKE_SWITCH_RTO) <-------- if I have this?
OnValue= 0
OnValue= 1
OnValue= 2


Regards :rolleyes:

02-04-2005, 08:57 AM
Thought you'd get kick out of my response. :)

You're settings are looking good.

Have a look at OffValue for AUTOBRAKE_SWITCH_OFF.
OffValue = 2
Most probably will work, but what you're saying here is that when switch is moved from OFF to another position FS should stay in OFF position.
i.e. when OFF switch goes to OFF state (Boy, that is confusing!)

ON state of next switch (position on your rotary) should set FSValue to either 0 or 2 (depending which way you rotate the rotary).
I know this is a dilemna because OFF position is between two other settings.
Hence, setting OffValue = 2 might not be a bad bet.
Try it and see what happens.

Those need to be square brackets [ ]
Standard Microsoft INI file format.
(Look at all the other INI files on your PC).

[AUTOBRAKE_SWITCH_OFF] is the name of the offset that appears on your drop down list on FS2Phidgets screen.
You can call offset whatever you want.
I could have made the drop down list just the actual offsets, but 0FA1 0FA4 0FA6 is kinda hard to work with.

02-04-2005, 05:10 PM
;) GOT IT!!!
Its working now.

I was very close in getting it to work...and then I realized.
What I failed to do everytime was go back into the FS2Phidget software and rechoose the new entry that I just made.I was so tied up in the wiring end of it I
completely forgot. :rolleyes:
After I created the new entry etc.[AUTOBRAKE_RTO] and reassigned to that directory everything started to work (with except a few value changes).
Thanks once again for your support.
Lesson well learned..

Im still working on the LEFLAPS TRANSIT annunciaor to light and then extinguish,followed by the LEFLAPS EXT.
I am using the GOFLIGHT flap switch for this event and have assigned both LED seperatly using the FLAPS HANDLE. setting.Still no luck...
but I am considering using a "delayed timer" used from my R/C AIRCRAFT
landing gear.It allows the gear to come down in any sequence you choose.
This might fit the bill...

02-04-2005, 08:09 PM
You could try assigning FLAP TRANSIT annunciator to

This is actual position of flap surfaces in FS.
You will notice that after selecting a flap position with lever the actual flaps take a little longer to extend and retract.

Monitor these values using Dummy tab on FS2Phidgets.

I'm using Phidget card for my Flaps Lever.
Have the real B737 throttle quadrant.

02-05-2005, 04:35 AM
That must be nice to be able set up an actual 737 throttle!

Im working on that issue....I had built my throttle using sliders and had it fit into the Goflight console. It really works great for something temporary.
Till something better comes along...Simavionics? mabe.

I did end up making a dummy tab???in the software by accident ...wasnt sure what it was for or what It can do for me...so I left it alone till I did.

I will work on the LEFLAP TRANS today and into tonight. :) I have all day to my
self!! Serious cockpit building today! :cool:


02-05-2005, 08:22 AM
Got the LEFLAPS IN TRANS working.. :D also the AUTOBRAKE DISARM annunciator!

copied and pasted the FLAPS INI and changed the name and then adjusted the min/max slider till it now goes on and then extinguishes just as the LE FLAPS EXT lights up.
Heading back to the "Below GIDESLOPE P/INHIBIT" annunciator to try to figure out what to assign it to.

Even the wife cant stop me now... ;)


05-08-2005, 05:03 AM
I know this is a little old, but would you happen to remember how you got the autobrake disarm working? I don't see an FSUIPC offset for it, and while my Phidget cards are still on backorder :( I can't play with anything.

Does FS2Phidget have some kind of built in delay system? (ie: could I tell it when autobrake goes on, illuminate for 3 seconds)



05-08-2005, 10:50 AM
Does FS2Phidget have some kind of built in delay system? (ie: could I tell it when autobrake goes on, illuminate for 3 seconds)


If you have Pmsystems, I can offer my own routine to make that work. Without Pmsystems it seems to be impossible, as it is not truly modelled in FS.


05-10-2005, 03:29 AM
I currently have the demo of PMsystems. I will probably purchase it in the next 2 weeks. If you could offer your method, I would appreciate it :)


05-10-2005, 01:34 PM
I currently have the demo of PMsystems. I will probably purchase it in the next 2 weeks. If you could offer your method, I would appreciate it :)


Ok, here it is:


rtoblink = rtoblink + elapsed
Braking = (LBrake > 136) or (RBrake > 136)
Landingbrk = Aconground and ((AutobrkSwitch > 1) and (flpind > 2048)) and Braking
Manualbrk = Aconground and Braking
GoAround = (Landingbrk and (ias > 60)) and ((Throttle1 > 10000) or (Throttle2 > 10000))
Taxibrk = Aconground and (AutobrkSwitch = 0) and (ias < 60 )

if ((Taxibrk = 0) or (Manualbrk = 0)) and (Landingbrk or GoAround)
AutobrkSwitch = 1 [6]
AutobrakeDisarm = 1
if Aconground and (AutobrkSwitch = 0)
AutobrakeDisarm = 1
if rtoblink > 3 // 3 sec elapsed
AutobrakeDisarm = 0
AutobrakeDisarm = 0
rtoblink = 0

You also need to add the following offsets in the sysvar.txt file:

088C 2 Throttle1
0924 2 Throttle2
0C00 1 RBrake
0C01 1 LBrake
0366 2 aconground
2F80 1 AutobrkSwitch
0BE0 4 flpind
02BC 4 ias


05-30-2005, 07:59 PM
What offset do you tie into to use that routine you made? I have my Autobrake disarm ind on a phidget 0/16/16 output

05-31-2005, 03:28 AM
Thinking the same thing myself.

I've been having some issues getting the code to do anything at all (haven't had much time to play with it) PM systems just seems to ignore that section entirely

Does anyone know if adding code like this works in the demo? I don't mind purchasing the full version, but want to make sure it will work before I do :)

I've looked through the docs on PM's site, do those variables that were added to sysvar.txt need to be initialized? Additionally, would it be possible to take one of the free offsets, and use it for an autobrk disarm annunciator? (I forget the range, but according to Pete Dowson, there are 64 bytes that are reserved for custom user variables; check his forum)

One more Q: I don't see where AutobrakeDisarm is declared. As far as I can tell, this is not anywhere in the FSUIPC offsets. Should this be added to sysvar? If so, where?


05-31-2005, 02:33 PM
OK, found the problem :)

In the additions to sysvar.txt; the following variables are a bit off:

0C00 1 RBrake
0C01 1 LBrake

These offsets do not indicate braking, and are only used to simulate pressing '.' in effect, they are write only

I changed these lines to:

0BC4 2 LBrake
0BC6 2 RBrake

and it works :) (still playing with the exact numbers for disarm, but that's a personal preference thing)

For the AB disarm indicator, I used one of the free offsets to create my own:

Since AutobrakeDisarm is already used in the code above, I just added this line to my sysvar.txt:

66C0 .0 AutobrakeDisarm

You can then use this offset to control the indicator in FS2Phidget by adding this section to myvariables.ini (I *think* it was .ini)


Then just assign your output to Autobrake_Disarm, and you should be in business


05-31-2005, 11:11 PM
What offset do you tie into to use that routine you made? I have my Autobrake disarm ind on a phidget 0/16/16 output


For the Autobrakedisarm light itself?
Any, any free offset.
While pmsystems is running, press ctrl-A. Will get an edit window with all your stuff and variables listed. Then close the window with the mouse. Don't press ESC close it with the mouse.
You will find a new file named sysoffsetlist.txt in the folder where pmsystems is installed. That file contains all your used and free offsets.
