View Full Version : Ox5562 and Pmsounds inhibit

02-27-2006, 07:31 PM
Hi guys,

I know nothing about offsets. I want to assign GPWS inhibits to keys on my
keypad via FSUIPC. Can anyone talk me through the process.

Kind regards.


David Rabiner
03-01-2006, 01:43 AM
Hi, James. I'm doing it now.

1. Put something similar to the following in your FSUPIC configuration


(112,8 is unshifted F1. Switch it to the key you want per FSUPIC docs.
x0D005562 signifies you want to toggle x5562, low bit with the key.)

2. Then put something similar to the following in your pmSounds
configuration file:

// Disables sounds according to bits set in offset 0x5562
// name has to be immediately followed by #
// you can also inhibit a 'Type' of soundfile (see following

(After the InhibitBit0= is a list of the pmSounds you want to inhibit.)

Hope that's what you wanted.

Warm regards,

03-02-2006, 07:36 AM
Thanks ever so much,

I have the entry in FSUIPC but for some reason the entry in PM sounds is not
working. Im running pmsounds on a client via widefs. Do I need to make an
entry in wideserver and the client .ini


Peter Dowson
03-02-2006, 09:21 AM
On 3/2/2006 6:36:03 AM, JAMES WEBSTER wrote:
>I have
>the entry in FSUIPC

Those entries are normally far more easily done inside FSUIPC Options whilst
running FS -- the Buttons page controls drop-downs list "Offset ..."
controls, and you can enter offsets and parameters there, on screen, when you
select them.

It is easy to make mistakes editing the INI file directly.

>Im running pmsounds on a client
>via widefs. Do I need to make
>an entry in wideserver and the
>client .ini

No, the point of WideFS is to present the same interface, the same offsets,
across all the computers running WideClient. That's its fundamental function
and it doesn't need anything else to tell it to do it. ;-)



03-02-2006, 10:54 AM
Hi Pete,

Thanks for your help.So is it "Offset Byte Togglebits" then offset =x5562
parameter = x01?


Peter Dowson
03-02-2006, 11:23 AM
On 3/2/2006 9:54:45 AM, JAMES WEBSTER wrote:
>So is it "Offset Byte
>Togglebits" then offset =x5562
>parameter = x01?

That should be sufficient on the FSUIPC side, yes ... I am sorry, I don't
know the pmSystems end of this particular facility, so if it doesn't work you
would need further help with that.

You can always check things happening in FSUIPC offsets. FSUIPC itself has a
monitoring facility on its Logging options page -- on the right-hand side.
On this case the offset is 5562 and the type U8. You can set it to be
logged, or displayed on screen ("advdisplay" option -- it does it to the
'adventure' display line in FS, the same one used for ATIS etc).

Additionally, the PM CDU has facilities for viewing and changing offsets.



03-02-2006, 11:40 AM
Thanks pete,

CDU is showing its working alright so must be a typo on my end in PM sounds.

Thanks again for your help.
