View Full Version : Andras pls help ...

Jan Pemoeller
01-28-2006, 09:36 AM
Hi Andras,

again many thanks for your help a few month ago with sharing your code for
sixpack, autobrake and firelights.

I got finally the sixpack fully running and trying now to get the autobrake
disarm light working. I need here your help again - pls give me a list of
all offsets I need to have in the sysvar file.

And what is the logic of rtoblink and elapsed?


rtoblink = rtoblink + elapsed
Braking = (LBrake > 136) or (RBrake > 136)
Landingbrk = ground and ((AutobrkSwitch > 1) and (flpind > 2048)) and
Manualbrk = ground and Braking
GoAround1 = (ground = 0) and (ias > 12800) and ((Throttle1 > 10000) or
(Throttle2 > 10000))
GoAround2 = (fsagl 800) and (flpind > 6142) or GaMode
GoAround = GoAround1 and GoAround2
Taxibrk = ground and (AutobrkSwitch = 0) and (ias

if ((Taxibrk = 0) or (Manualbrk = 0)) and (Landingbrk or GoAround)
AutobrkSwitch = 1 [6]
AutobrakeDisarm = 1
if ground and (AutobrkSwitch = 0)
AutobrakeDisarm = 1
if rtoblink > 3 // 3 sec elapsed
AutobrakeDisarm = 0
AutobrakeDisarm = 0
rtoblink = 0


0C00 1 RBrake
0C01 1 LBrake
2F80 1 AutobrkSwitch
02BC 4 IAS
088C 2 Throttle1
0924 2 Throttle2
02C8 4 Verticalspeed
0BE0 4 flpind
051C .2 Toga
051D .6 GaMode


Andras Kozma
01-28-2006, 10:52 AM
Hi Jan,

> I got finally the sixpack fully running and trying now to get the
> autobrake
> disarm light working. I need here your help again - pls give me a list of
> all offsets I need to have in the sysvar file.

As far as I can see all needed offsets are listed there.
The only thing I don't remember now is, if you use Thomas's modifications
one or two offsets are may be the same, but I can't check it right now.
Is it not working as I few months back gave the example?

> And what is the logic of rtoblink and elapsed?

Just a simple counter in order to have the 'eyecandy' of the AUTOBRK DISARM

light to come on for 4 seconds only when you set it to RTO and then it
extinguishes as it should.


Jan Pemoeller
01-29-2006, 08:12 AM
Hi Andras,

thanks for your quick answer ...
At least we need an offset for the announciator light, or?

I will give it another try.
Best regards