View Full Version : PMRJ, WhazzUp question

Elisio Cruz
01-23-2006, 12:56 PM
Hi, PM people !

I have a PMRJ and would like to improve its ND. However, I'm a bit confused
about the installation and use of the Whazzup, Navedata, Quickmap,etc. Could
you please tell me how to install them and what kind of resources will I
have after they are installed ?

Thanks a lot !


Enrico Schiratti
01-23-2006, 01:02 PM
> I have a PMRJ and would like to improve its ND. However,
> I'm a bit confused
> about the installation and use of the Whazzup, Navedata,
> Quickmap,etc. Could
> you please tell me how to install them and what kind of
> resources will I
> have after they are installed ?

The RJ uses the GC navdata from

WhazzUp is of no direct use, QuickMap ... is another program

To see the weather radar you need pmGetWeather, and if you
have no FMC you need to set the DefaultDirectory to your RJ
path for the weather to appear in the ND when it is

